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Academic TitleProf. of Logic, Erfurt (1484-?) | Prof. of Theology, Wittenberg (1507-?) | Prof. of Theology, Erfurt (1510-?)
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Primary Sources (10 titles, 10 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share: Philosophy (5) | Arts (5) | | Summa in totam physicen: hoc est philosophiam naturalem conformiter siquidem ver[a]e sophi[a]e: que est Theologia | | Erfurt : Matthaeus Maler, 1514 | BSB | | |
Totius philosophie naturalis Summam nuper elucubravit, eandem hoc libello comperies breviori filo contractam et velut ab eodem Epitomatam... | | Erfurt : Matthaeus Maler, 1517 | GB | | |