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« Guillaume Gibieuf (1585-1650)
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Edmund Gibson (1669-1748)
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Primary Sources (17 titles, 18 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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An Admonition Against Prophane and Common Swearing: In a Letter from a Minister to His Parishioner. ... By ... Edmund, Lord Bishop of London, vol. 1 (J. Wyat, 1725)
Articles and Directions in order to a Parochial Visitation of the several Churches and Chapels ... in the Archdeaconry of Surry, to be made by E. Gibson, Archdeacon of Surrey (1711)
Bishop Gibson's Three Pastoral Letters, to the People of His Diocese: Particulary to Those of the Two Great Cities of London and Westminster. In Defence of the Gospel Revelation, and by Way of Preservative Against the Late Writings in Favour of Infidelity (F.C. & J. Rivington, 1820)
Bishop of London's Three Pastoral Letters: To the People of His Diocese; Particularly to Those of the Two Great Cities of London and Westminster, in Defence of the Gospel-Revelation (S. Buckley, 1732)
Bishop of London's three pastoral letters: to the people of his diocese; particularly to those of the two great cities of London and Westminster, in defence of the Gospel-Revelation, and by way of preservative against the late writings in favour of infidelity (S. Buckley, 1732)
The Deliverances and Murmurings of the Israelites and These Nations Compar'd: A Sermon [on Psal. Cvi. 43, 44] Preached Before the ... House of Peers, ... June 7, 1716, Being the Day of Publick Thanksgiving, for the Blessing of God ... in Suppressing the Late Unnatural Rebellion (1716)
The Deliverances and Murmurings, of the Israelites, and These Nations, Compar'd: A Sermon Preach'd Before the Right Honourable House of Peers, at Westminster-Abbey, on Thursday June 7, 1716. ... By ... Edmund, Lord Bishop of Lincoln
John Churchill, 1716GB 
Vol. 9 (1716) GB 
The Dispute Adjusted: About the Proper Time of Applying for a Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts: by Shewing, that No Time is Proper. First Published in the Year 1732; Again in 1736; Now Republished at the Clarendon Press, vol. 6 (D. Prince and J. Cooke; J. F. and C. Rivington; and P. Elmsly, London, 1790)
Four sermons upon several subjects ... The three first before the Judges of Assize: and the fourth, before the House of Peers ... Second edition, etc, 3rd ed. (1719)
Herdelyke brief van den Bisschop van Londen aan het volk van zyn Bisdom; inzonderheit aan die van de twee groote steden Londen en Westmunster: by maniere van vermaaning, tegens de Laauwheit aan de eene, en de Geestdryvery aan de andere kant (Vieroot, 1739)
A Letter to a Friend in the Country, Concerning the Proceedings of the Present Convocation.. (1701)
A Letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, from an inhabitant of His Majesty's Leeward-Caribbee-Islands [i.e. Robert Robertson]. Containing some considerations on his Lordship's two letters of May 19, 1727. The first to the masters and mistresses of families in the English ... (J. Wilford, 1730)
The Lord Bishop of London's Fourth and Last Caveat Against Sedition: With Characters of the Three, Last Deceased, Archbishops of Canterbury, vol. 8 (printed in the year, 1731)
The Marks of a Defenceless Cause in the Proceedings and Writings of the Lower House of Convocation: Particularly, in Their Third and Last System of Principles, vol. 17 (A. and J. Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-row., 1703)
The sacrament of the Lord's supper explain'd (1854)
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Explain'd: Of the Things to be Known and Done, to Make a Worthy Communicant : with Suitable Prayers and Meditations ... (1723)
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper explained: or the things to be known and done, to make a worthy communicant. With suitable prayers and meditations. First drawn up for the use of the inhabitants of the parish of Lambeth, and since rev. and enlarged (P. Potter, 1813)

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