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« Jean Gontery (1562-1616)
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Christopher Goodman (c.1520-1603)
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How superior powers oght to be obeyd of their subiects and wherin they may lawfully by Gods Worde be disobeyed and resisted. Wherin also is declared the cause of all this present miserie in England, and the onely way to remedy the same. By Christopher Goodman. (Geneua : Iohn Crispin, 1558)
How superior powers oght to be obeyd of their sujects : and wherin they may lawfully by Gods Worde be disonbeyed and resisted. Where also is declared the cause of all this present miserie in England, and the onely way to remedy the same. By Christopher Goodman. (Geneva : Jean Crespin, 1558) / added author(s): William Whittingham

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