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« Christoph Franck (1642-1704)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Richard Franck (c.1624-1708)
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Primary Sources (5 titles, 5 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Northern memoirs : calculated for the meridian of Scotland ; to which is added, the contemplative and practical angler (Edinburgh : Archibald Constable and Co. ; and Hurst, Robinson and Co., London, 1821)
Northern memoirs, calculated for the meridian of Scotland wherein most or all of the cities, citadels, seaports, castles, forts, fortresses, rivers and rivulets are compendiously described : together with choice collections of various discoveries, remarkable observations, theological notions ... : to which is added the contemplative & practical angler ... (London : author, to be sold by Henry Mortclock ..., 1694)
Northern memoirs, calculated for the meridian of Scotland; to which is added, the contemplative and practical angler (Edinburgh, A. Constable and co.; [etc. : etc.], 1821)
A philosophical treatise of the original and production of things writ in America in a time of solitudes by R. Franck. (London : John Gain, and are to be sold by S. Tiamirsh ... and S. Smith ..., 1687)

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