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The baptism of infants, a reasonable service : founded upon Scripture, and undoubted Apostolic tradition .. ( London : and Sold by J. Waugh, 1753) | IA |  |   |
The baptism of infants, a reasonable service: founded upon Scripture, and undoubted apostolic tradition: in which its moral purposes and use in religion are shewn (J. Waugh, 1750) | GB |  |   |
Dipping not the only Scriptural and primitive manner of baptizing : and supposing it were, yet a strict adherence to it not obligatory on us ( London : and Sold by J. Waugh, 1751) | IA |  |   |
Dipping not the only scriptural and primitive manner of baptizing: and supposing it were, yet a strict adherence to it not obligatory on us (J. Waugh, 1751) | GB |  |   |
A dissent from the Church of England fully justified: and proved to be the genuine and just consequence of the allegiance which is due to Jesus Christ, the only lawgiver in the Church : being the Dissenting Gentleman's letters, &c. in answer to the Letters of the Rev. Mr. White on that subject, 9th ed. (B. Flower, 1804) | GB |  |   |
A Dissent from the Church of England, fully justified : and proved to be the genuine and just consequence of the allegiance which is due to Jesus Christ, the only lawgiver in the Church : being the Dissenting Gentlemen's letters, &c. in answer to the letters of the Rev. Mr. White on that subject ( Dublin : S. Powell and Son, 1766) | IA |  |   |
A dissent from the Church of England, fully justified, and proved the genuine and just consequence of the allegiance due to Christ, the only lawgiver in the Church : being the dissenting gentleman's three letters and postscript, in answer to Mr. John White's on that subject. To which is added, a letter to a bishop, etc ( Boston, 1768) | IA |  |   |
A dissent from the Church of England, fully justified; being the dissenting gentleman's three letters in answer to the letters of the Rev. John White on that subject ( Newry : A. Wilkinson, 1816) | IA |  |   |
A dissent from the Church of England, fully justified: being the dissenting gentleman's three letters and postscript, in answer to J. White's on that subject. By M. Towgood, 12th ed. ( 1811) | GB |  |   |
The dissenting gentleman's answer to ... mr. White's Three letters; in which a separation from the establishment is fully justified [lC. By M. Towgood]., 5th ed. ( 1748) | GB |  |   |
The dissenting gentleman's answer to the Reverend Mr. White's three letters: in which a separation from the establishment is fully justified; ... and the Church of England and the Church of Jesus Christ, are impartially compared, ... (R. Hett, 1746) | GB |  |   |
The dissenting gentleman's second letter to the Reverend Mr. White: in answer to his three letters. In which his various misrepresentations of the dissenters are corrected, ... To which is added a postscript, containing remarks on Mr. White's defence of his three letters, &c (R. Hett, 1747) | GB |  |   |
Dissertations on Christian baptism : in which is shewn that antipaedobaptism is in opposition to the Holy Scriptures and the general practice of the Church of Christ, in all ages ( London : J. Dennett for Williams and Son, 1815) | IA |  |   |
An essay towards attaining a true idea of the character and reign of King Charles the First and the causes of the civil war: extracted from and delivered in the very words of some of the most authentic and celebrated historians viz. Clarendon, Whitelock, Burnet, Coke, Echard, Rapin, Tindal, Neal, &c (John Noon, 1748) | GB |  |   |
An Essay towards attaining a true idea of the character and reign of King Charles the First, and the causes of the civil car ( London : Noon, 1748) | BSB |  |   |
High-flown episcopal and priestly claims freely examin'd: in a dialogue betwixt a country gentleman and a country vicar. Wherein church-authority, confirmation, absolution; the burial of the dead, ... are particularly consider'd. ... (J. Noon; and R. Hett, 1737) | GB |  |   |
A sermon preached at Exeter, August the 27th, 1758 [microform]: the Lord's day after receiving the account of the taking of the islands of Cape-Breton and St. John ( Exeter [England] : J. Noon, ... and sold by Aaron Tozer, ..., 1758) | IA |  |   |
Tracts on important subjects: historical, controversial, and devotional (B. Flower for M. Jones, 1812) | GB |  |   |