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« Matthew Towgood (-1757)
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Micaiah Towgood (1700-1792)
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The baptism of infants, a reasonable service : founded upon Scripture, and undoubted Apostolic tradition .. (London : and Sold by J. Waugh, 1753)
The baptism of infants, a reasonable service: founded upon Scripture, and undoubted apostolic tradition: in which its moral purposes and use in religion are shewn (J. Waugh, 1750)
Dipping not the only Scriptural and primitive manner of baptizing : and supposing it were, yet a strict adherence to it not obligatory on us (London : and Sold by J. Waugh, 1751)
Dipping not the only scriptural and primitive manner of baptizing: and supposing it were, yet a strict adherence to it not obligatory on us (J. Waugh, 1751)
A dissent from the Church of England fully justified: and proved to be the genuine and just consequence of the allegiance which is due to Jesus Christ, the only lawgiver in the Church : being the Dissenting Gentleman's letters, &c. in answer to the Letters of the Rev. Mr. White on that subject, 9th ed. (B. Flower, 1804)
A Dissent from the Church of England, fully justified : and proved to be the genuine and just consequence of the allegiance which is due to Jesus Christ, the only lawgiver in the Church : being the Dissenting Gentlemen's letters, &c. in answer to the letters of the Rev. Mr. White on that subject (Dublin : S. Powell and Son, 1766)
A dissent from the Church of England, fully justified, and proved the genuine and just consequence of the allegiance due to Christ, the only lawgiver in the Church : being the dissenting gentleman's three letters and postscript, in answer to Mr. John White's on that subject. To which is added, a letter to a bishop, etc (Boston, 1768)
A dissent from the Church of England, fully justified; being the dissenting gentleman's three letters in answer to the letters of the Rev. John White on that subject (Newry : A. Wilkinson, 1816)
A dissent from the Church of England, fully justified: being the dissenting gentleman's three letters and postscript, in answer to J. White's on that subject. By M. Towgood, 12th ed. (1811)
The dissenting gentleman's answer to ... mr. White's Three letters; in which a separation from the establishment is fully justified [lC. By M. Towgood]., 5th ed. (1748)
The dissenting gentleman's answer to the Reverend Mr. White's three letters: in which a separation from the establishment is fully justified; ... and the Church of England and the Church of Jesus Christ, are impartially compared, ... (R. Hett, 1746)
The dissenting gentleman's second letter to the Reverend Mr. White: in answer to his three letters. In which his various misrepresentations of the dissenters are corrected, ... To which is added a postscript, containing remarks on Mr. White's defence of his three letters, &c (R. Hett, 1747)
Dissertations on Christian baptism : in which is shewn that antipaedobaptism is in opposition to the Holy Scriptures and the general practice of the Church of Christ, in all ages (London : J. Dennett for Williams and Son, 1815)
An essay towards attaining a true idea of the character and reign of King Charles the First and the causes of the civil war: extracted from and delivered in the very words of some of the most authentic and celebrated historians viz. Clarendon, Whitelock, Burnet, Coke, Echard, Rapin, Tindal, Neal, &c (John Noon, 1748)
An Essay towards attaining a true idea of the character and reign of King Charles the First, and the causes of the civil car (London : Noon, 1748)
High-flown episcopal and priestly claims freely examin'd: in a dialogue betwixt a country gentleman and a country vicar. Wherein church-authority, confirmation, absolution; the burial of the dead, ... are particularly consider'd. ... (J. Noon; and R. Hett, 1737)
A sermon preached at Exeter, August the 27th, 1758 [microform]: the Lord's day after receiving the account of the taking of the islands of Cape-Breton and St. John (Exeter [England] : J. Noon, ... and sold by Aaron Tozer, ..., 1758)
Tracts on important subjects: historical, controversial, and devotional (B. Flower for M. Jones, 1812)

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