Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  | | Bono cum Deo iubente magistratu summô, ordinante amplissimô senatu academicô, pro vacante cathedra elenchtico-theologica in Academia Lausannensi ritè consequenda specimen publicum edent tàm praelegendo, quam disputando ... sequentes viri / Ioh. Petrus Secretan ... ad diem Ianuar. 18., Daniel Sprungli ..., Iohannes Salchlinus ..., David Kocher ..., Daniel Pavillard ..., Hyacinthus de Quiros ..., Abraham Sprungli ..., Elias Bertrand ..., Petrus Bournet ..., Ioh. Rodolphus Ernst ..., Fr. Ludovicus de Bons ..., Gottlieb Voegeli ..., Ioh. Petrus Perey ..., Gabriel Viret ..., Ioh. Iacobus Vernet ..., Franc. Lud. Allamand ..., Dav. Gabriel Wagner ... ad diem Februar. 24. feriem omnium, ac materias forte determinante ( [Bern?] : [Hochobrigkeitliche Druckerei?], 1751) | e-rara |  |   |
Religionis christianae simplex expositio. Pars secunda ( Bernae : ex Officina typographica illustr. Reipubl., 1759) | GB |  |   |
Summa fidei christianae ( Bernae : ex officina typographica illustr. Reip. Bernensis, 1752) | GB |  |   |
Theses theologicae de fidei christianae propagatione ( Bernae : ex officina typogr. illustriss. Reipubl. Bernensis, 1754) | GB |  |   |