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Academic TitleProf. of Philosophy, Die (1607-1611) | Prof. of Philosophy, Lausanne (1611-1612) | Prof. of Law, Lausanne (1611-1613) | Prof. of Philosophy, Geneva (1616-1617)
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Primary Sources (17 titles, 21 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Share:  Theology (1) | Philosophy (5) | Law (11) | Other (4) | | Exercitationes Iesuiticae: seu, Acta disputationum habitarum, cum Ioh. de la Grange et Ioh. Gauterio, Collegii Lugdunensis Iesuitis primariis ( Basileae : typis Conradi Waldkirchii, 1615) | e-rara |  |   |