Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  | | Characteristicks of a believing Christian in paradoxes and seeming contradictions, by F. Bacon [or rather from Memorials of godlinesse and Christianitie by H. Palmer, ed. by J. Green]., 2nd ed., ed. John Green (curate of Thurnscoe) ( 1758) | GB |  |   |
An endeavovr of making the principles of Christian religion, namely the Creed, the Ten Commandements, the Lords prayer, and the sacraments, plaine and easie ..., 4th ed. ( London : Thomas Underhill, 1644) | BDC |  |   |
An endeavovr of making the principles of Christian religion, namely the Creed, the Ten Commandements, the Lords prayer, and the Sacraments, plaine and easie tending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities, and weakest memories, and for the making triall also of their understandings, who though they have attained some measure of saving knowledge, yet through the weaknesse of their abilities cannot expresse even that which they doe conceive. ( London : Thomas Vnderhill ..., 1644) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The glasse of Gods providence towards his faithfvll ones held forth in a sermon preached to the two Houses of Parliament at Margarets Westminster, Aug. 13, 1644, being an extraordinary day of humiliation : wherein is discovered the great failings that the best are liable unto, upon which God is provoked sometimes to take vengeance : the whole is applyed specially to a more carefull observation of our late covenant, and particularly against the ungodly toleration pleaded for under pretence of liberty of conscience ( London : G.M. for Th. Vnderhill ..., 1644) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Lord Bacon not the author of | | [Edinburgh] [by Ballantyne and company], 1865 | IA |  |   |
private circulation, 1864 | GB |  |   |
private circulation [Ballantyne and Company], 1864 | GB |  |   |
private circulation [by Ballantyne and company], 1865 | GB |  |   |
[Edinburgh] : [by Ballantyne and company], 1865 | IA |  |   |
[Edinburgh] : Edinburgh] private circulation [by Ballantyne, 1865 | IA |  |   |
[Edinburgh] : private circulation [Ballantyne and Company], 1864 | IA |  |   |
[Edinburgh] : private circulation [by Ballantyne and company], 1865 | IA |  |   |
Lord Bacon not the author of 'the Christian paradoxes': a repr. of 'Memorials of godliness and Christianity', with intr., memoir and notes by A.B. Grosart, ed. Alexander Balloch Grosart ( 1865) | GB |  |   |
Lord Bacon: not the author of, ed. Alexander Balloch Grosart (Ballantyne, 1865) | GB |  |   |
Memorials of godliness & Christianity in three parts : with a brief account of the authors life ( London : Henry Million, 1670) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Memorials of Godlinesse and Christianitie. Part I. of making religion one's businesse. (An appendix applyed to the calling of a minister.) (H. Million, 1670) | GB |  |   |
The necessity and encouragement, of utmost venturing for the churches help together with the sin, folly, and mischief of self-idolizing applyed by a representation of 1. some of the most notorious nationall sins endangering us, 2. the heavy weight of wrath manifested in our present calamities, yet withall, grounds of 3. confidence, that our church shall obtain deliverance in the issue, 4. hopes that the present Parliament shall be still imployed in the working of it : all set forth in a sermon, preached to the honorable House of Commons, on the day of the monethly solemn fast, 28. June, 1643 ( London : John Bellamie ..., 1643) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
| BSB |  |   |
Sabbatum redivivum: or, the Christian sabbath vindicated, in a full discourse concerning the sabbath and the Lord’s day. Wherein, whatsoever hath heen written of late, for, or against the Christian Sabbath, is exactly, but modestly examined: and the perpetuity of a sabbath deduced, from grounds of nature, and religious reason. By Dan. Cawdrey, and Herb. Palmer: members of the Assembly of Divines. The second part. Of the fourth commandment of the Decalogue in speciall. ( London : Thomas Maxey, for Samuel Gellibrand, and Thomas Underhill, 1652) / added author(s): Daniel Cawdry [Sabbatum redivivum appeared in four parts; the first part published in 1645, followed by this volume containing the next three parts. Based on Thomason’s dating the work was actually published in November 1651.] | WAP |  |   |