Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  | | Diss. philol. de distinctione vocum Imago, Idolum, Simulacrum ( Herbornae : Andreae, 1690) | GB |  |   |
Diss. philol. theol. de nomine tetragrammato, seu synopsis selectissimarum quaestionum philologico-theologicarum de nomine Dei proprio Iehova ( Herbornae : Jacobi, 1677) | GB |  |   |
Hyperaspites sive Defensor Veritatis Adversus errores, quorum nuper Vir nobiliss. & Jurispr. fama Celeberr., D. Johannes Heserus Religionem Reformatam, ad incrustandam suam ab ea apostasiam, insimnlare non dubitavit ( Herbornae, 1694) | SLUB |  |   |