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Primary Sources (4 titles, 4 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Share: | | All the French Psalm tunes with English words, a collection of Psalms accorded to the verses and times used in the Reformed Churches of France and Germany. Perused and approved by judicious Divines, both English and French ( London : Thomas Harper, 1632) / added author(s): Reformed Church of France | GB | | |
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Catechismus, Oder Kurtzer vnderricht Christlicher Lehr wie der in Kirchen vnd Schulen der Chur vnd Fuerstlichen Pfaltz getrieben wirt: Sampt den Kirchen Ceremonien vnd Gebeten. Jetzt auffs new gedruckt mit zuthuung der Versickel. ( Herborn : Christoph Rab, 1586) / added author(s): Zacharias Ursinus [Heidelberg Catechism] | ULBH | | |
The Lutheran liturgy: now us'd by the Protestants in the Reformed churches of Germany, prov'd to agree with the rites ... of the book of Common-prayer, us'd by the church of England. Faithfully translated out of the German tongue, by a late Gentleman-commoner of Magdalen College in Oxford, 2nd ed. ( London : J. Morphew, 1715) / added author(s): Lutheran Church | GB | | |