Share:  | | Lexicon hebraicum vtilissimum ( 1557) | GB |  |   |
The Massoreth ha-massoreth of Elias Levita : being an exposition of the Massoretic notes on the Hebrew Bible : or the ancient critical apparatus of the Old Testament in Hebrew ( London : Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, 1867) | IA |  |   |
The Massoreth ha-massoreth of Elias Levita: being an exposition of the massoretic notes on the Hebrew Bible, or, the ancient critical apparatus of the Old Testament : in Hebrew, with an English translation and critical and explanatory notes (Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, 1867) | GB |  |   |
| GB |  |   |
Opusculum recens hebraicum a doctissimo hebraeo Eliia Levita... elaboratum... in quo 712. vocum, quae sunt partim hebraicae, chaldaicae, arabicae, graecae & latinae, quaeque in dictionariis non facile inveniuntur, & a rabbinis tamen hebraeorum, in scriptis suis passim usurpantur / origo, etymon & verus usus docte ostenditur & explicatur per Paulum Fagium, ed. Paul Fagius ( Isnae : Algavia, 1541) | BNF |  |   |