Share:  | | An apologetical relation of the particular sufferings of the faithful ministers and professors of the Church of Scotland, since August 1660 : wherein several questions, useful for the time are discussed; the king's prerogative over parliaments and people soberly inquired into; the lawfulness of defensive war cleared; the supreme magistrate's power in church matters examined; Mr. Stillingfleet's notion concerning the divine right or forms of church government considered; the author of "The seasonable case" answered; other particulars, such as the hearing of the curates appearing before the high commission court, etc., canvassed ... ( Edinburgh : Robert Ogle and Oliver and Boyd, 1845) | GB |  |   |
An apologeticall relation of the particular sufferings of the faithfull ministers & professours of the Church of Scotland, since August, 1660 wherein severall questions, usefull for the time, are discussed : the King's preroragative over parliaments & people soberly enquired into, the lawfulness of defensive war cleared, the by a well wisher to the good old cause. ( Edinburgh?, 1665) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Christ in believers the hope of glory being the substance of several sermons ( Edinburgh : John Reid, 1694) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Christ the way and the truth and the life, or, A short discourse pointing forth the way of making use of Christ for justification and especially and more particularly for sanctification in all its parts, from Johan. XIV, vers. VI : wherein several cases of conscience are briefly answered, chiefly touching sanctification ( Rotterdam : H.G. for Iohn Cairns, 1677) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Christ the way, and the truth, and the life; or, A short discourse pointing forth the way of making use of Christ for justication, and especially and more particularly, for sanctification in all its parts, from John XIV. vers. VI. Wherein several cases of conscience are briefly answered, chiefly touching sanctification ( Glasgow : R. Sanders, 1678) | IA |  |   |
Christus de weg, de waarheid, en het leven: ... (Adrianus Douci#boekverkoper##in 't midden van de Stil-steeg#, 1741) | GB |  |   |
Christus de weg, de waarheyd, ende het leven, trans. Jacobus Koelman (Adrianus en Johannes Douci, en d'Erven van de Wed: Gysbert de Groot, en Anthony van Dam, 1724) | GB |  |   |
Christus de weg, de waarheyd; ende het leven: Inhoudende, hoe men Christus tot alles, en bysonder tot heyligmaking soude gebruyken, trans. Jacobus Koelman (Johannes Douci, 1718) | GB |  |   |
De causa Dei contra antisabbatarios tractatus ( Rotterodami : Apud H. Goddaeum) | | Vol. 1 ( 1674) [1. De legibus divinis, imprimis, de lege naturali, morali, ceremoniali, morali-naturali, morali-positiva, &c. -- 2. De cultu ac tempore solenni -- 3. De sabbati natura & origine] | IA |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1674) [4. De Decalogo, & speciatim de quárto decalogi praecepto -- 5. De die dominico ejusque institutione -- 6. De sanctificatione diei dominici] | IA |  |   |
Een godtvrugtige en doorwrogte verhandelinge over het gebedt en de verhooringe van het zelve, over Joh. XIV: 13, 14 (Hendrik van Pelt, en Adrianus Douci, p-zoon, 1745) | GB |  |   |
An exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans: with large practical observations delivered in several lectures ( Edinburgh : David Paterson and sold by him, 1766) | GB |  |   |
Het leeven des geloofs ten tyde van beproevingen (Johannes Hasebroek, 1736) | GB |  |   |
The history of the indulgence shewing its rise, conveyance, progress, and acceptance : together with a demonstration of the unlawfulness thereof and an answere to contrary objections : as also, a vindication of such as scruple to hear the indulged ( Edinburgh?, 1678) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Libri duo : in priori, Wolzogium, in libellis duobus de interprete Scripturarum, causam orthodoxam prodidisse demonstratur. In posteriori, Lamberti Velthusii sententia libertino-Erastiana, in libello vernaculo de idololatria & superstitione ... detegitur & confutatur ... Quibus præfixa est præfatiuncula, in quâ quædam de naturâ Ecclesiæ visibilis & invisibilis, ut & communionis ecclesiæ, separationem illegitimam jam in Belgio cœotam convellentia, breviter ac summatim proponuntur. ( Amsterdam, 1670) | GB |  |   |
The life of faith in times of trial and affliction cleared up and explained from Hebrews X:XXXVIII ... (author, 1680) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The life of justification opened, or, A treatise grounded upon Gal. 2, II wherein the orthodox doctrine of justification by faith, & imputation of Christ's righteousness is clearly expounded, solidly confirmed, & learnedly vindicated from the various objections of its adversaries, whereunto are subjoined some arguments against universal redemption ( 1695) | n/a | |   |
The Life of Justification Opened. Or, a Treatise Grounded Upon Gal. 2. 11. Wherein the Orthodox Doctrine of Justification by Faith,&imputation of Christ's Righteousness is Clearly Expounded ... Whereunto are Subjoined Some Arguments Against Universal Redemption. [Edited by J. Koelman and M ..., ed. Melchior Leydekker ( Utrecht, 1695) | GB |  |   |
Oordeel van eenige eerw. ... Schotse predicanten, over het boeck van Lud. Wolzogen, 't welck den titel heeft "Van den uytlegger der schrifturen", gesonden aen de Nederlandtsche Walsche Consistorie tot Middelburgh, vol. 1 (Jacobus van Blirick, 1669) / added author(s): Robert Trail | GB |  |   |