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John Brown of Haddington (1722-1787)
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Primary Sources (21 titles, 28 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The absurdity and perfidy of all authoritative toleration of gross heresy, blasphemy, idolatry, popery, in Britain : in two letters to a friend, in which the doctrine of the Westminster confession of faith relative to toletration of a false religion, and the power of the civil magistrate about sacred matters; and the nature, origin, ends and obligation of the National covenant and solemn league are candidly represented and defended (Glasgow : John Bryce, 1780) [With this is bound: A defence of covenanting, against the attacks made thereon in a late publication, intituled, A dissertation on the nature and genius of the Kingdom of Christ ... by Patrick Hutchison ... (Glasgow : Printed by John Bryce, 1780) -- A full and true state of the controversy, concerning the Marrow of modern divinity ... (Glasgow : Printed by John Bryce, 1773)]
Address to students of divinity
Edinburgh : Andrew Jack, 1850IA 
Philadelphia : Russell and Martien, 1832IA 
A brief concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments : by which all, or most, of the principal texts of Scripture may be easily found out (New York : E. Duyckinck, Smith and Foreman, Collins, 1812)
The Christian journal, or Common incidents spiritual instructors, 6th ed. (1792)
The Christian journal, or, Common incidents, spiritual instructors: being a series of meditations on a spring, summer, harvest, winter and Sabbath-day, 4th ed. (G. Alston, 1782)
A compendious history of the British churches in England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, vol. 1 (J. Bryce, 1784)
A compendious history of the British churches in England, Scotland, Ireland, and America : with an introductory sketch of the history of the Waldenses, to which is added, an historical account of the secession (Edinburgh : E. Monteith)
Vol. 1 (1820)
Vol. 2 (1820) IA 
A compendious view of natural and revealed religion .. (Glasgow : J. Bryce, for J. Mathews, London, 1782)
A dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing an historical account of the persons : a geographical and historical account of the places : a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects ... and the explication of the appellative terms, mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament : The whole comprising whatever important is known concerning the antiquities of the Hebrew nation and church of God : forming a sacred commentary, a body of Scripture history, chronology, and divinity, and serving in a great measure as a concordance to the Bible., vol. 2 (Pittsburgh : From the Ecclesiastical and Literary Press of Zadok Cramer, 1807)
A dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing, an historical account of the persons; a geographical and historical account of the places; a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects, whether natural, artificial, civil, religious, or military; and the explication of the appellative terms mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament .. (Edinburgh : W. Anderson and J. Fairbairn)
Vol. 1 (1789)
Vol. 2 (1789) IA 
A dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing, an historical account of the persons; a geographical and historical account of the places; a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects, whether natural, artificial, civil, religious, or military; and the explication of the appellative terms, mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament ..
Edinburgh : Murray & cochrane, 1797IA 
Pittsburgh : From the Ecclesiastical and Literary Press
Vol. 1 (1807) IA 
A dictionary of the Holy Bible: containing an historical account of the persons; a geographical account of the places; a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects ... mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testaments ..., vol. 1 (Philadelphia : William W. Woodward, 1798)
An essay towards an easy, plain, practical and extensive explication of the Assembly's shorter catechism
New York : R. Carter, 1854IA 
New York : Robert Carter, 1845IA 
New York : Robert Carter, 1846IA 
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