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Johannes Fontanus (1545-1615)
TraditionReformedReference | ADBAcademic TitleProf. of Theology, Heidelberg (1567-1578)
NotesCourt Preacher of Johann Casimir, Duke of Saxe-Coburg
Primary Sources (3 titles, 6 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Hortulus puerorum, pergratus ac perutilis Latinè discentibus
Lertout, 1581GB 
Petit jardin pour les enfans fort agreable et profitable pour apprendre Latin
Lertout, 1581BSB 
Petit Jardin Povr Les Enfans, Fort Agreable et profitable pour aprendre Latin
[Genf] : Lertout, 1581BSB 

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“Johannes Fontanus”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
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