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Een klare ende duydelijcke uytlegginghe over de thien gheboden des Heeren: mitsgaders, een corte catechismus, sommierlijck vervatende alle de principale gronden der christelijcker religie ( Leiden : voor Guiliaem Brewster, 1617) / added author(s): John Dod | GB |  |   |
A plaine and familiar exposition of the Ten Commandements ... Inlarged, etc (T. Man, 1618) / added author(s): John Dod | GB |  |   |
A plaine and familiar exposition of the Ten commandements. With a methodicall short Catechisme, containing briefly the principall grounds of Christian religion., 15th ed. / added author(s): John Dod | |
15th ed. / London : Richard Field, for Thomas Man, 1622 | GB |  |   |
A plaine and familiar exposition of the Tenne Commandements. With a methodicall short catechisme, containing brieflie all the principall grounds of Christian religion. Newly corrected and inlarged by the author. [The epistle dedicatorie signed: Iohn Dod, Robert Cleauer.] (imFelix Kyngston, for Thomas Man, 1612) / added author(s): John Dod | GB |  |   |
A Plaine and Familiar Exposition of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon. [The Dedicatory Epistle Signed: Iohn Dod, Robert Cleauer. With the Text.] (R.B. for R. Iackson, 1608) / added author(s): John Dod | GB |  |   |
Seven Godlie and Frvitfvll Sermons: The Six First Preached by Master Iohn Dod: the Last by Master Robert Cleaver. Wherevnto is Annexed, a Briefe Discourse, Touching, 1. Extinguishing of the Spirit, 2. Murmuring in Affliction ( London : ImFelix Kyngston for William Welby., 1614) / added author(s): John Dod | GB |  |   |
Ten sermons, tending chiefly to the fitting of men for the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper / added author(s): John Dod | |
London : T.C. and R.C. for William Sheffard, 1628 [Sermons 1-6 by Dod; Sermons 7-10 by Cleaver] | GB |  |   |
London : Thomas Harper for John Harrison, 1634 [Sermons 1-6 by Dod; Sermons 7-10 by Cleaver] | IA |  |   |