Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share: | | God's arraignement of hypocrites : with an inlargement concerning God's decree in ordering sinne ; as likewise a defence of Mr. Calvine against Bellarmine ; and of M. Perkins against Arminius ( Cambridge : Cantrell Legge, 1615) | IA | | |
Gods Arraignement of Hypocrites: with an Inlargement concerning Gods decree in ordering sinne. As likewise a defence of Mr. Caluine against Bellarmine; and of M. Perkins against Arminius (Cantrell Legge, 1615) | GB | | |
Ibis ad Cæsarem. Or a Submissive Appearance before Cæsar; in Answer to Mr. Moutagues Appeale [entitled “Appello Cæsarem”], in the points of Arminianisme and Popery, maintained and defended by him, against the Doctrine of the Church of England, vol. 3 (R. Mylbourne, 1626) | GB | | |
Imago Mundi, et Regnum Christi. The foure monarchies, and Christ's two-fold kingdom. Regnum Lapidis et Montis. The Gentiles converted, and the Jews restored. Lapis e Monte excisus. The Gentiles converted, collected and governed by the Apostles, apostolicall men and Bishops, etc, vol. 2 ( 1640) | GB | | |
A modell of divinitie catechistically composed ( London : Dawson, 1622) | IA | | |
A modell of divinitie, catechistically composed. Wherein is delivered the matter and method of religion, according to the creed, ten Commandements, Lords Prayer, and the Sacraments ( London : Dawson, 1622) | n/a | | |