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James Durham (1622-1658)
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Primary Sources (39 titles, 40 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The blessednesse of the death of these that die in the Lord and more especially in ane evil time excellently discoursed in seven very searching but sweet sermons on Revel. 14, v. 13 : wherein several weighty cases relating to death in genereal and to dieing in Lord in particular are succinctly, solidly and satisfieingly handled (Glasgow?, 1681)
Christ crucified, or the marrow of the gospel : evidently holden forth in seventy two sermons on the whole fifty third chapter of Isaiah .. (Glasgow : Archibald M'Lean and Joseph Galbraith, for James Wilken, 1761)
Christ crucified, or, the marrow of the gospel : evidently set forth in LXXII sermons on the whole 53rd chapter of Isaiah .. (Glasgow : Alex. Adam for John Johnston)
Vol. 1 (1792)
Vol. 2 (1792) IA 
Christ crucified, or, the marrow of the gospel, evidently holden forth in seventy two sermons on the whole fifty third chapter of Isaiah ... (Edinburgh : Thomas Lumisden and John Robertson, 1726)
Christ crucified: or, The marrow of the gospel, evidently holden forth in LXXII sermons, on the whole 53. chapter of Isaiah. Wherein the text is clearly and judiciously opened up ... (Glasgow : Edinburgh the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1702)
Christ crucified: or, the marrow of the Gospel, evidently holden forth in seventy-two sermons on the whole fifty-third chapter of Isaiah ... Seventh edition. [The epistle dedicatory and preface are subscribed J. C.] (1769)
Christ n'est mort que pour les élus du Père (1854)
Christus gekruyst, of Het merg des Evangeliums ... (Hermannus Kentlink, Paulus Topyn, Hendrik van Pelt, en Adrianus Douci, p.z., 1752)
Clavis cantici oder Auslegung des hohen Lieds Salomonis : Aus dem Englischen ins Teutsche übersetzt (Leipzig, 1695)
Clavis cantici, or, An exposition of the Song of Solomon (Edinburgh : T. Lumisden, 1723)
Clavis cantici, or, An exposition of the Song of Solomon by James Durham ... (Edinburgh : George Swintoun and James Glen, and are to be sold at their shops ..., 1668)
Clavis Cantici; Or, an Exposition of the Song of Solomon (Robert Sanders, 1688)
Clavis Cantici; or, An exposition of the Song of Solomon [ed. by M. Durham.]. (G. Swintoun and J. Glen, 1668)
Clavis Cantici: Or, an Exposition of the Song of Solomon (J. W.; sold by Dorman Newman, 1669)
A commentarie upon the book of the Revelation .. (Glasgow : Robert Sanders, 1680)
A commentarie upon the book of the Revelation. Wherein the text is explained, the series of the several prophecies contained in that book, deduced according to their order and dependance on each other; the periods and succession of times, at, or about which, these prophecies, that are already fulfilled, began to be, and were more fully accomplished, fixed and applied according to history; and those that are yet to be fulfilled, modestly, and so far as is warrantable, enquired into. Together with some practical observations, and several digressions, necessary for vindicating, clearing, and confirming many weighty and important truths. Delivered in several lectures, by that learned, laborious, and faithfull servant of Jesus Christ, James Durham, late Minister of the Gospel in Glasgow. To which is affixed a brief summary of the whole book, with a twofold index, one of the several digressions, another of the chief and principall purposes and words contained in this treatise. (Edinburgh : Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against the Trone-Church, 1658)
A Commentary upon the Book of the Revelation ... by ... James Durham ... [Edited by John Carstairs. With the text.] As also two sermons preached by the author, on Rev. XXII. 20. Together with a collection of some memorable things in his life (Glasgow : William Duncan, 1739)
The dying man's testament to the Church of Scotland, or, A treatise concerning scandal (London : Company of Stationers,, 1659) / added author(s): Robert Blair
The dying man's testament to the Church of Scotland, or, A treatise concerning scandal divided into four parts ... : in each of which there are not a few choice and useful questions, very shortly and satisfyingly discussed and cleared (Edinburgh : Christopher Higgins ..., 1659)
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