Primary Sources
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Academic TitleProf. of Greek, Lausanne (1540-1547) | Prof. of Theology, Lausanne (1547-1559) | Regent, Geneva (1559-1562) | Prof. of Theology, Orléans (1562-†1564)
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Primary Sources (7 titles, 7 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Share:  Theology (5) | Philosophy (2) | | Disputatio an Judas proditor Coenae Domini interfuerit ( Basilea, 1555) | BSB |  |   |
Disputatio an Judas proditor Coenae Domini interfuerit. Item explanatio loci Heb. VII Lex nihil perfecit ( Basileae, 1555) | GB |  |   |
Explanatio loci hebr. septem lex nihil perfecit (Parcus, 1552) | GB |  |   |
Explanatio loci Hebr. VII Lex nihil perfecit ( Basileae, 1552) | BSB |  |   |
Joannes Ribittus, Epistolae ([n.d.]) | BNF |  |   |