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« Franciscus Patricius (1529-1597)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Simon Patrick (1626-1707)
TraditionAnglican, Arminian-Remonstrant, LatitudinarianReferenceen Academic Titlen/a
NotesBishop of Ely
Primary Sources (41 titles, 114 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (21) | Theology (93) | Related (2)
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Advice to a friend (William Pickering, 1852)
Advice to a friend. Repr (1847)
Andächtiger Christ, oder Sammlung von Gebeten zum Gebrauch ganzer Hausshaltungen und einzelner Personen: Neue, verbesserte und mit Fest-Gebeten vermehrte Üebersetzung, nach der 16en englischen Ausgabe (D. Bürgkli, 1772)
A commentary upon the Books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth (London : Ri. Chiswell, 1702)
A commentary upon the fifth book of Moses, called Deuteronomy
London : Ri. Chiswell, 1704IA 
2nd ed. / London : Ri. Chiswell, 1704IA 
A commentary upon the first book of Moses, called Genesis, 1st ed.
1st ed. / London : Ri. Chiswell, 1695GB 
2nd ed. / London : Ri. Chiswell, 1698IA 
3rd ed. / London : Ri. Chiswell, 1704IA 
A commentary upon the fourth book of Moses, called Numbers (London : R. Chiswell, 1699)
A commentary upon the fourth Book of Moses, called Numbers (London : Ri Chiswell, 1699)
A commentary upon the second book of Moses, called Exodus (London : Ri. Chiswell, 1704)
A commentary upon the third book of Moses, called Leviticus
London : R. Chiswell, 1698GB 
London : Ri. Chiswell, 1698IA 
2nd ed. / London : R. Chiswell, 1704IA 
A commentary upon the two books of Kings (London : R. Chiswell, 1705)
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