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Eastern Orthodox Church
TraditionEastern OrthodoxReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (4 titles, 6 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The acts and decrees of the Synod of Jerusalem: sometimes called the Council of Bethlehem, holden under Dositheus, Patriarch of Jerusalem in 1672, ed. James Nathaniel William Beauchamp Robertson (London : Thomas Baker, 1899)
The orthodox confession of the catholic and apostolic Eastern-Church, trans. Philip Lodvel (London, 1762) / added author(s): Peter Mogila
Orthodoxa confessio catholicae atque apostolicae ecclesiae orientalis, quam cum interpretatione Latina, ed. Lars Norrman / added author(s): Peter Mogila
ed. Lars Norrman (Lipsiae : Fritsch, 1695)GB 
Ορθοδοξος ̔Ομολογια της Καθολικης και ̓Αποστολικης ̓Εκκλησιας της ̓Ανατολικης. Hoc est, Orthodoxa Confessio Catholicae atque Apostolicae Ecclesiae Orientalis [compiled by Peter Mogila.] cum interpretatione Latina et versione Germanica [by J. L. Frisch] / added author(s): Peter Mogila
Wratislaviae : apud Io. Iacob. Korn, 1751GB 

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