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Anne Dutton (1692-1765)
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Primary Sources (6 titles, 9 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Gods genade verheerlijkt in eene zaligmakende bekeering tot God in Christus en verdere bevestiging in den weg des geloofs,: uit eigen ondervinding beschreven ... (Höveker, 1835)
Gods genade verheerlykt in eene zaligmakende bekeering tot God in Christus en verdere bevestiging in den weg des geloofs, (Johann. Hasebroek en zoon, 1761)
Letters on spiritual subjects and divers occasions : sent to relations and friends (London : John Oswald [etc.])
Vol. 1 (1740)
Vol. 4 (1740) IA 
Vol. 6 (1740) IA 
Vol. 8 (1740) IA 
Letters on spiritual subjects and divers occasions : sent to the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, and others of his acquaintance .. (London : J. Hart, 1745)
Mr. Sanddeman Refuted by an Old Woman: Or, Thoughts on His Letters to the Author of Theron and Aspasio: In a Letter from a Friend in the Country to a Friend in Town (J. Hart; sold by G. Keith, 1761)
Narration of the wonders of grace, in verse .. (London : Author, 1734)

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