Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  | | An exposition of the whole book of the Revelation. Wherein the visions and prophecies of Christ are opened and expounded; shewing the great conquests of our Lord Jesus Christ for his church over all his and her adversaries, pagan, Arian and papal; and the glorious state of the church of God in the new heavens and new earth, in these latter days | | London : W. Marshall, 1689 | DTS | |   |
The rudiments of the Hebrew grammar in English Published for the benefit of some friends, who being ignorant of the Latine, are desirous to understand the Bible in the originall tongue. By Hanserd Knollys. ( London : Moses Bell, for William Larner at the Blackmore neere Bishopsgate, and George Whittington at the blew Anchor in Cornhill neer the Exchange, 1648) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The Shining of a Flaming-fire in Zion; Or, A Clear Answer Unto 13. Exceptions, Against the Grounds of New Baptism (so Called) in Mr. Saltmarsh His Book; Intituled, The Smoke in the Temple, P. 15, &c: Which Exceptions, Were Tendered by Him to All Believers, to Shew Them, how Little They Have ... ( London : Jane Coe, according to order, 1646) | GB |  |   |