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« Anne Conway (1631-1679)
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John Conybeare (1692-1755)
TraditionAnglicanReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (5 titles, 6 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Calumny refuted: or, An answer to the personal slanders published by Dr. Richard Newton, in his letter to Dr. Holmes, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, &c: In which also, the conduct of the Lord Bishop of Exeter, and of the Society of Exeter-College, in relation to Hart-Hall, is ... (J. J. and P. Knapton, W. Innys, in Ludgate-Street; T. Longman, in Pater-Noster Row; and S. Birt, in Ave-Mary Lane., 1735)
A defence of reveal'd religion against the exceptions of a late writer [m.Tindall] in his book, intituled 'Christianity as old as the Creation'. (London, 1732)
A defence of reveal'd religion against the exceptions of a late writer, in his book, intituled. (S. Wilmot, 1732)
A Defence of revealed religion against the exceptions of a late writer in his book intituled Christianity as old as Creation, etc (London : S. Wilmot, 1732)

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