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An answer to the paper delivered by Mr. Ashton at his execution to Sir Francis Child ... together with the paper itself. ( London : Robert Clavell ..., 1690) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Certain propositions by which the doctrin of the H. Trinity is so explain'd, according to the ancient fathers, as to speak it not contradictory to natural reason together with a defence of them, in answer to the objections of a Socianian writer, in his newly printed Considerations on the explications of the doctrin of the Trinity : occasioned by these propositions among other discourses : in a letter to that author. ( London : Brabazon Aylmer ..., 1694) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Certain propositions, by which the doctrin of the H. Trinity is so explain'd, according to the ancient fathers, as to speak it not contradictory to natural reason : Together with a defence of them, in answer to the objections of a Socinian writer in his newly printed Considerations on the explications of the doctrin of the Trinity : occasioned by these propositions, among other discourses .. ( London : Brabazon Aylmer, 1694) | IA |  |   |
Certain Propositions, by which the Doctrin of the H. Trinity is So Explain'd, According to the Ancient Fathers, as to Speak it Not Contradictory to Natural Reason: Together with a Defence of Them, in Answer to the Objections of a Socinian Writer, in His Newly Printed Considerations on the ... (Brabazon Aylmer, 1694) | GB |  |   |
The charge of the Bp. of Gloucester, deliver'd to the clergy of his diocese, in his late triennial visitation, held by commission (W.D. for John Wyat, 1707) | GB |  |   |
A defence of the Resolution of this case viz. whether the Church of England's symbolizing so far as it doth with the Church of Rome makes it unlawfull to communion with the Church of England : in answer to a book intitiuled A modest examination of that resolution. ( London : J. H. for B. Aylmer ..., 1684) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The design of Christianity | |
London : Royston, 1676 | BSB |  |   |
2nd ed. / London : Royston, 1676 | GB |  |   |
The design of Christianity, or, A plain demonstration and improvement of this proposition viz. that the enduing men with inward real righteousness or true holiness was the ultimate end of our Saviour's coming into the world and is the great intendment of his blessed Gospel ( London : E. Tyler and R. Holt for R. Royston ... and Lodowick Loyd, 1671) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The design of Christianity, or, A plain demonstration and improvement of this proposition, viz. that the enduing men with ... righteousness ... was the ultimate end of our Saviour's coming into the world, 4th ed. ( 1760) | GB |  |   |
Dirt wipt off, or, A manifest discovery of the gross ignorance, erroneousness and most unchristian and wicked spirit of one John Bunyan ... which he hath shewed in a vile pamphlet publish'd by him, against The design of Christianity ... ( London : R.N. for Richard Royston ..., 1672) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A discourse of offences delivered in two sermons Aug. 19, and Sept. 2, 1683 in the Cathedral church of Gloucester ( London : J. Heptinstall, for Brabazon Aylmer, 1683) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A discourse of the descent of the Man-Christ Jesus from Heaven: together with his ascension to Heaven again. From John xvi. 28 ( 1706) | GB |  |   |
A discourse of the great disingenuity & unreasonableness of repining at afflicting providences and of the influence which they ought to have upon us, on Job 2, 10, publish'd upon occasion of the death of our gracious sovereign Queen Mary of most blessed memory : with a preface containing some observations, touching her excellent endowments, and exemplary life. ( London : Brabazon Aylmer ..., 1695) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The fourth note of the church examined, viz. Amplitude, or multitude and variety of believers ( London : J.D. for Richard Chiswel ..., 1687) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A friendly conference between a minister and a parishioner of his, inclining to Quakerism wherein the absurd opinions of that sect are detected, and exposed to a just censure ( London : T.R. for Clavell ..., 1676) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The great wickedness, and mischievous effects of slandering, represented in a sermon preached at St. Giles without Cripplegate, on Sunday Nov. 15, 1685 by Edward Fowler, D.D. ; together with a preface and conclusion in his own vindication. ( London : Brabazon Aylmer ..., 1685) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Libertas evangelica, or, A discourse of Christian liberty being a farther pursuance of the argument of the design of Christianity ( London : R. Norton for Richard Royston and Walter Kettilby, 1680) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Libertas Evangelica: Or, a Discourse of Christian Liberty. Being a Farther Pursuance of the Argument of the Design of Christianity. By Edward Fowler, Rector of Alhallows Breadstreet, London ( London : R. Norton, 1680) | GB |  |   |
The loyal martyr vindicated ([n.d.]) | GB |  |   |