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« Charles Gildon (1665-1724)
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John Gill (1697-1771)
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Theology (147)
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“An” Exposition of the Old Testament: In which are Recorded the Origin of Mankind, of the Several Nations of the World, and of the Jewish Nation in Particular ...
Mathews and Leigh, 1810GB 
An answer to the Birmingham Dialogue Writer's second part, upon the following subjects: the Divinity of Christ, Election, ... [Being remarks on pt. 2 of a pamphlet entitled “A dialogue between a Baptist and a Churchman,” etc.] To which is added, a postscript, occasioned by H. Heywood's ... (1739)
An answer to the Birmingham Dialogue-Writer, upon the following subjects: the Divinity of Christ, Election, Original Sin, etc. [Being remarks on pt. of a pamphlet entitled “A dialogue between a Baptist and a Churchman, occasion'd by the Baptists opening a new meeting-house for reviving old ... (1737)
An answer to the Birmingham dialogue-writer's second part : upon the following subjects: the divinity of Christ, election, original sin, free-grace, free will, imputed righteousness, perserverance, and baptism : to which is added a postscript, occasioned by Mr. Henry Heywood's introduction to his translation of Dr. Whitby's Treatise of original sin (London : Aaron Ward, at the King's-Arms in Little Britain, 1739)
Anti-paedo-baptism, or, infant-baptism an innovation: being a reply to a late pamphlet entitled, Paedo-baptism; or, a defence of infant-baptism, in point of antiquity, etc (1753)
The Argument from Apostolic Tradition, in Favour of Infant-Baptism, with Others, Advanced in a Late Pamphlet [published Anonymously by M. Towgood], Called the Baptism of Infants a Reasonable Service, ... Consider'd; and Also an Answer to a Welch Clergyman's Twenty Arguments for Infant-Baptism [i ... (1751)
Baptism a Divine Commandment to be Observed: Being a Sermon Preached at Barbican, Octob. 9, 1765, at the Baptism of the Reverend Mr. Robert Carmichael, Minister of the Gospel in Edinburgh, 2nd ed. (G. Keith, 1766)
Baptism a Divine Commandment to be observed. Being a sermon [on John v. 3] preached ... at the baptism of ... R. Carmichael (1765)
Baptism a Divine Commandment to be observed. Being a sermon on John v. 3 preached ... at the baptism of ... R. Carmichael (1766)
A body of doctrinal divinity. Traethawd ar y grasogariad ... A gyfieithwyd i'r Gymraeg o'r llyfr ... “Gill's Body of divinity” gan John Morris, trans. John MORRIS (Translator.) (J. Jenkins, 1825)
The Cause of God and Truth (Tegg, 1838)
The cause of God and truth : in four parts : with a vindication of part IV from the cavils, calumnies, and defamations of Mr. Henry Heywood
London : Thomas Tegg and son, 1838IA 
The cause of god and truth ... (Aaron Ward, 1735)
The Cause of God and Truth ...
Aaron Ward, 1736GB 
Aaron Ward, 1737GB 
Aaron Ward, 1738GB 
The cause of God and truth, in 4 pt. With A vindication of pt.4 from the cavils, calumnies and defamations of H. Heywood (1855)
The cause of God and truth; in four parts. With a vindication of part IV. From the cavils, calumnies, and defamations, of Mr. Henry Heywood, &c (Aaron Ward, 1735)
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