Share:  | | “An” Exposition of the Old Testament: In which are Recorded the Origin of Mankind, of the Several Nations of the World, and of the Jewish Nation in Particular ... | | Mathews and Leigh, 1810 | GB |  |   |
An answer to the Birmingham Dialogue Writer's second part, upon the following subjects: the Divinity of Christ, Election, ... [Being remarks on pt. 2 of a pamphlet entitled “A dialogue between a Baptist and a Churchman,” etc.] To which is added, a postscript, occasioned by H. Heywood's ... ( 1739) | GB |  |   |
An answer to the Birmingham Dialogue-Writer, upon the following subjects: the Divinity of Christ, Election, Original Sin, etc. [Being remarks on pt. of a pamphlet entitled “A dialogue between a Baptist and a Churchman, occasion'd by the Baptists opening a new meeting-house for reviving old ... ( 1737) | GB |  |   |
An answer to the Birmingham dialogue-writer's second part : upon the following subjects: the divinity of Christ, election, original sin, free-grace, free will, imputed righteousness, perserverance, and baptism : to which is added a postscript, occasioned by Mr. Henry Heywood's introduction to his translation of Dr. Whitby's Treatise of original sin ( London : Aaron Ward, at the King's-Arms in Little Britain, 1739) | IA |  |   |
Anti-paedo-baptism, or, infant-baptism an innovation: being a reply to a late pamphlet entitled, Paedo-baptism; or, a defence of infant-baptism, in point of antiquity, etc ( 1753) | GB |  |   |
The Argument from Apostolic Tradition, in Favour of Infant-Baptism, with Others, Advanced in a Late Pamphlet [published Anonymously by M. Towgood], Called the Baptism of Infants a Reasonable Service, ... Consider'd; and Also an Answer to a Welch Clergyman's Twenty Arguments for Infant-Baptism [i ... ( 1751) | GB |  |   |
Baptism a Divine Commandment to be Observed: Being a Sermon Preached at Barbican, Octob. 9, 1765, at the Baptism of the Reverend Mr. Robert Carmichael, Minister of the Gospel in Edinburgh, 2nd ed. (G. Keith, 1766) | GB |  |   |
Baptism a Divine Commandment to be observed. Being a sermon [on John v. 3] preached ... at the baptism of ... R. Carmichael ( 1765) | GB |  |   |
Baptism a Divine Commandment to be observed. Being a sermon on John v. 3 preached ... at the baptism of ... R. Carmichael ( 1766) | GB |  |   |
A body of doctrinal divinity. Traethawd ar y grasogariad ... A gyfieithwyd i'r Gymraeg o'r llyfr ... “Gill's Body of divinity” gan John Morris, trans. John MORRIS (Translator.) (J. Jenkins, 1825) | GB |  |   |
The Cause of God and Truth (Tegg, 1838) | GB |  |   |
The cause of God and truth : in four parts : with a vindication of part IV from the cavils, calumnies, and defamations of Mr. Henry Heywood | | [n.d.] | IA |  |   |
London : Thomas Tegg and son, 1838 | IA |  |   |
The cause of god and truth ... (Aaron Ward, 1735) | GB |  |   |
The Cause of God and Truth ... | | Aaron Ward, 1736 | GB |  |   |
Aaron Ward, 1737 | GB |  |   |
Aaron Ward, 1738 | GB |  |   |
The cause of God and truth, in 4 pt. With A vindication of pt.4 from the cavils, calumnies and defamations of H. Heywood ( 1855) | GB |  |   |
The cause of God and truth; in four parts. With a vindication of part IV. From the cavils, calumnies, and defamations, of Mr. Henry Heywood, &c (Aaron Ward, 1735) | GB |  |   |