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Primary Sources (1 titles, 2 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Share:  | | A Discourse of the Use of Reason in Matters of Religion: Shewing, that Christianity Contains Nothing Repugnant to Right Reason; Against Enthusiasts and Deists. Written in Latin by Dr. Rust ... and translated into English. With annotations ... by H. Hallywell., trans. Henry Hallywell ( London : Hen. Hills, Jun, 1683) / added author(s): Henry Hallywell [Preface to Henry More, by Henry Hallywell] | GB |  |   |
Two choice and useful treatises : the one, Lux orientalis, or, An enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern sages concerning the praeexistence of souls, being a key to unlock the grand mysteries of providence in relation to mans sin and misery [by Joseph Glanvill]. The other, A discourse of truth by the Late Reverend Dr. Rust Lord Bishop of Dromore in Ireland. With Annotations on them both [by Henry More]. ( London : J. Collins, and S. Lowndes, 1682) / added author(s): Joseph Glanvill, Henry More | GB | |   |