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Thomas Belsham (1750-1829)
TraditionSocinian-UnitarianReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (27 titles, 30 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (28) | Philosophy (2)
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American Unitarianism: or A Brief history of, 4th ed. (Nathaniel Willis, 1816)
The Bampton lecturer reproved: being a reply to the calumnious charges of C. A. Moysey, in his late Bampton lectures against the Unitarians, and especially to the editors of the improved version ; in letters to a friend ... (unitarian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and Practice of Virtue by Distribution of Books, 1819)
A calm inquiry into the scripture doctrine concerning the person of Christ : including a brief review of the controversy between Dr. Horsley and Dr. Priestley, and a summary of the various opinions entertained by Christians upon this subject (London : Unitarian Society, 1811)
A calm inquiry into the Scripture doctrine concerning the person of Christ : to which are annexed a brief review of the controversy between Bishop Horsley and Dr. Priestley .. (London : Unitarian Society, 1817)
A calm inquiry into the Scripture doctrine concerning the person of Christ : to which are annexed a brief review of the controversy between Bishop Horsley and Dr. Priestley and a summary of the various opinions entertained by Christians upon this subject (London : Unitarian Society, 1817)
A calm inquiry into the Scripture doctrine concerning the person of Christ: to which are annexed a brief review of the controversy between Bishop Horsley and Dr. Priestley and a summary of the various opinions entertained by Christians upon this subject, 2nd ed. (Unitarian Society, 1817)
A discourse occasioned by the death of the Right Hon. Charles James Fox [microform] : delivered at the Unitarian Chapel in Essex-Street, October 12, 1806 (London : R. Taylor and Co. ..., and sold by J. Johnson ..., 1806)
Discourses, doctrinal and practical: delivered in Essex Street Chapel (R. Hunter, 1826)
Discourses: doctrinal and practical ; delivered in Essex Street Chapel, vol. 1 (R. Hunter, 1826)
The epistles of Paul the Apostle, vol. 4 (R. Hunter, 1822)
The Epistles of Paul the Apostle : translated with an exposition and notes (London : R. Hunter)
Vol. 1 (1822)
Vol. 2 (1822) IA 
Vol. 3 (1822) IA 
Vol. 4 (1822) IA 
Memoirs of the late Reverend Theophilus Lindsay: includ. a brief Anal. of his works, 2nd ed. (1820)
Memoirs of the late Reverend Theophilus Lindsey, including a brief analysis of his works, together with anecdotes and letters of eminent persons, his friends and correspondents;also a general view of the progress of the Unitarian doctrine in England and America (London : Williams, 1873)
Memoirs of the late Reverend Theophilus Lindsey, M. A., [microform] including a brief analysis of his work; (London : R. Hunter, 1820)
Memoirs of the late Reverend Theophilus Lindsey, M.A.: including a brief analysis of his works; together with anecdotes and letters of eminent persons, his friends and correspondents: also a general view of the progress of the Unitarian doctrine in England and America (J. Johnson and Co., 1812)
Memoirs of the late Reverend Thomas Belsham, including a brief notice of his published works, and copious extracts from his diary, together with letters to and from his friends and correspondents, ed. John Williams (author, 1833)
Memoirs of the late Reverend Thomas Belsham: including a brief notice of his published works, and copious extracts from his diary, together with letters to and from his friends and correspondents, ed. John Williams (author, 1833)
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