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« Hinrich Reese (-1528)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
John Reeve (1608-1658)
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Primary Sources (11 titles, 12 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (3) | Theology (9)
Results 1-9
A general epistle to ministers : with extracts from (London : Joseph Frost, 1854)
Joyful news from Heaven, or, The last intelligence from our glorified Jesus above the stars : wherein is infallibly recorded how that the soul dieth in the body ... Wherein you have, drawn up, a divine charge against the teachers of the Baptists (1756)
Sacred remains : or, A divine appendix : being a collection of five spiritual Epistles, originally written about the year 1654 : also William Sedgwick's Replies to several queries sent to him (London : reJoseph Frost by Andrew T. Roberts, 1856)
Supplement to The book of letters (London : R. Brown, 1831)
A transcendent spiritual treatise upon several heavenly doctrines ... (1756)
Verae fidei gloria est corona vitae, a volume of spiritual epistles : being the copies of several letters written by the two last prophets and messengers of God, John Reeve and Lodowicke Muggleton ... (subscription, 1755) / added author(s): Lodowick Muggleton
Verae fidei gloria est corona vitae: A volume of spiritual epistles (Printed, by subscription, 1820) / added author(s): Lodowick Muggleton
A volume of spiritual epistles, being the copies of several letters written by the two last prophets and messengers of God, John Reeve and Lodowicke Muggleton; containing variety of spiritual revelations, and deep mysteries, manifesting to the elect seed the prerogative power of a true prophet.. ([London] : Re-printed, by Subscription by W. Smith, 1820) / added author(s): Lodowick Muggleton
A volume of spiritual epistles: being the copies of several letters written by the two last prophets and messengers of God, John Reeve and Lodowicke Muggleton; containing variety of spiritual revelations, and deep mysteries, manifesting to the elect seed the prerogative power of a true prophet... (Re-printed, by Subscription by W. Smith, 1820) / added author(s): Lodowick Muggleton

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