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« John Muckarsie (fl.1765-)
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Lodowick Muggleton (1609-1698)
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Primary Sources (11 titles, 13 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (3) | Theology (10)
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An answer to Isaac Pennington, Esq: his book entituled, 'Observations on some passages of Lodowick Muggleton's interpretation of the 11th chapter of the Revelations' : also, some passages of that book of his entituled, 'The Neck of the Quakers broken' and in his letter to Thomas Taylor : whereby ... (London : R. Brown, 1831)
An answer to Isaac Pennington, Esq. : his book entituled, 'Observations on some passages of Lodowick Muggleton's interpretation of the 11th chapter of the Revelations' : also, some passages of that book of his entituled, 'The Neck of the Quakers broken' and in his letter to Thomas Taylor : whereby it might appear what Spirit the said Lodowick Muggleton is of, and from what God his Commission is : as by what authority his Spirit is moved to write against the people called Quakers (London : R. Brown, 1831)
A Divine Looking-Glass: or, the third and last testament of our Lord Jesus Christ, etc (1846)
A stream from the tree of life; or, The third record vindicated. Being the copies of several letters and epistles ([N.p.] : from the original manuscript in the year of our Lord, 1758)
A true interpretation of all the chief texts, and mysterious sayings and visions opened, of the whole book of the revelation of St. John, whereby is unfolded and plainly declared, those wonderful deep mysteries and visions interpreted, concerning the true God, the Alpha and Omega, with variety ... (Morris and Reeves, Printers, 1808)
A true interpretation of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation of St. John ([London?], 1753)
Verae fidei gloria est corona vitae, a volume of spiritual epistles : being the copies of several letters written by the two last prophets and messengers of God, John Reeve and Lodowicke Muggleton ... (subscription, 1755) / added author(s): John Reeve
Verae fidei gloria est corona vitae: A volume of spiritual epistles (Printed, by subscription, 1820) / added author(s): John Reeve
A volume of spiritual epistles, being the copies of several letters written by the two last prophets and messengers of God, John Reeve and Lodowicke Muggleton; containing variety of spiritual revelations, and deep mysteries, manifesting to the elect seed the prerogative power of a true prophet.. ([London] : Re-printed, by Subscription by W. Smith, 1820) / added author(s): John Reeve
A volume of spiritual epistles: being the copies of several letters written by the two last prophets and messengers of God, John Reeve and Lodowicke Muggleton; containing variety of spiritual revelations, and deep mysteries, manifesting to the elect seed the prerogative power of a true prophet... (Re-printed, by Subscription by W. Smith, 1820) / added author(s): John Reeve

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