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« John Erskine (1721-1803)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Ralph Erskine (1685-1752)
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Act, declaration and testimony for the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government of the Church of Scotland : agreeable to the word of God, the confession of faith, the national covenant of Scotland, and the solemn league and covenant of the three nations; and against several steps of defection from the same, both in former and present times (Edinburgh : gow : T. Lumisden ... for John Henderson ... and sold by James Young ..., 1751)
Blyde boodtschap in zware tyden, over psalm XLVI: 5: ... over Jer. 13: 16, trans. Theodorus van der Groe (Rotterdam, 1762)
Chambers of safety in times of danger: A sermon preached ... September 19th 1739. By Mr. Ralph Erskine ... (T. Lumisden and J. Robertson, for James Paton, Kilmarnock; and sold by him, and by David Duncan, Edinburgh, 1740)
Christus, het verbond des volks, des middelaars magt in hemel en op aarde, en het lam in het midden des throons, voorgestelt ... in verscheidene predikatiën ... (Hendrik van Pelt, en Adrianus Douci, p-z., 1765)
Comer’s conflict; or, the beginner’s battle with the devil when essaying to come to Christ by faith … The fourth edition ([Glasgow and other locations : various publishers], 1769)
The criterion. : a comparison of the legal establishment of religion in Scotland, from the revolution to the present time, with the legal establishment of religion in Scotland, betwixt the years 1638 and 1650. Designed for rendring more useful to the ignorant, a book just now published, intitled, A collection of the laws in favours of the Reformation in Scotland. To which, in an appendix, is subjoined, remarks upon part II. of a pamphlet, intitled, The third proof of fancy no faith (Edinburgh, : such as sell above mentioned collection of laws., 1749)
Faith no fancy: or, A treatise of mental images, discovering the vain philosophy and vile divinity of a late pamphlet intitled, Mr. Robe's fourth letter to Mr. Fisher: and shewing that an imaginary idea of Christ as man, (when supposed to belong to saving faith, whether in its act or object ... (William M'Culloch, no. 50, Chestnut street, 1805)
Faith's plea upon God's covenant, or, A sermon on Psalm lxxiv.20 (Falkirk : T. Johnston, 1821)
Gospel sonnets : or Spiritual songs .. (Glasgow : James Knox, 1762)
Gospel sonnets : or, Spiritual songs : in six parts ... (Edinburgh : George Caw for William Coke, 1788)
Gospel sonnets : or, spiritual songs ..
Glasgow : J. Duncan & Son, 1792IA 
London : W. Baynes, 1812IA 
Philadelphia : John M'Culloch, 1793IA 
Philadelphia : Re-B. Franklin, 1740IA 
Philadelphia : Re-W. Dunlap, 1760IA 
Gospel sonnets, or, Spiritual songs : in six parts ... (London : G. Terry, 1793)
Gospel sonnets, or, Spiritual songs ... : Concerning creation and redemption, law and gospel, justification and sanctification, faith and sense, heaven and earth. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings (Pittsburgh : L. Loomis, 1831)
Gospel sonnets; or, Spiritual songs (1870)
Gospel sonnets; or, Spiritual songs: In six parts. 1. The believer's espousals. 2. The believer's jointure. 3. The believer's riddle. 4. The believer's lodging. 5. The believer's soliloquy. 6. The believer's principles ..., 6th ed. (J. Oswald, 1750)
Gospel sonnets; or, Spiritual songs: in six parts. Concerning creation and redemption, law and gospel, justification and sanctification, faith and sense, heaven and earth (R. Carter, 1849)
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