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« William Burrough (c.1639-)
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Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (48 titles, 52 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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A briefe answer to Doctor Fernes booke tending to resolve conscience about the subjects taking up of arms (London?, 1643)
Christ inviting sinners to come to him for rest by Jeremiah Burroughes. (London : Peter Cole, 1659)
The difference between the spots of the godly and of the wicked preached by Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs at Cripple Gate. (London, 1668)
The eighth book of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs.: Being a treatise of the evil of evils, or the exceeding sinfulness of sin. Wherein is shewed, 1 There is more evil in the least sin, than there is in the greatest affliction. 2 Sin is most opposite to God. 3 Sin is most opposite to mans good. 4 Sin is opposite to all good in general. 5 Sin is the poyson, or evil of all other evils. 6 Sin hath a kind of infiniteness in it. 7 Sin makes a man conformable to the Devil. All these several heads are branched out into very many particulars. (London : Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1654)
The Eighth book of Mr Jeremish Burroughs, Being a Treatise of the Evil of Evils, or the Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin (London : Peter Cole, 1654)
The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit: Delivered in a Treatise Upon the 14 of Numbers, Vers. 24 : Together with Moses, His Self-deniall (London : G. Dawson, 1649)
The excellency of a gracious spirit. Deliuered in a treatise upon the 14. of Numbers, verse 24. By Ier. Burroughes minister of Gods Word. (London : M[iles] F[lesher] for R. Dawlman, and L. Fawne, at the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1639)
The excellency of holy courage in evil times by Jeremiah Burroughs ; published by Thomas Goodwin ... [et al.]. (London : Peter Cole and Edward Cole, 1661)
An Exposition of the Prophesie of Hosea (London : W.E. and J.C., 1643)
An exposition of the prophesie of Hosea begun in divers lectures vpon the first three chapters, at Michaels Cornhill, London (London : R. Dawlman, 1652)
An exposition of the prophesie of Hosea, begun in divers lectures, upon the first three chapters, at Michaels, Cornhill, London (London : W.E. and J.C. for R. Dawlman)
Vol. 1 (1643)
Vol. 2 (1643) IA 
Vol. 3 (1643) IA 
Vol. 4 (1643) IA 
An exposition with practical observations continued upon the eighth, ninth, & tenth chapters of the prophesy of Hosea being first delivered in several lectures at Michaels Cornhil, London (London : Peter Cole ..., 1650)
An exposition with practical observations continued upon the eighth, ninth, and tenth chapters of the prophesy of Hosea being first delivered in several lectures at Michaels Corrnhil, London (London : Peter Cole, 1650)
An exposition with practical observations continued upon the eleventh, twelfth, & thirteenth chapters of the prophesy of Hosea being first delivered in several lectures at Michaels Cornhil, London (London : Peter Cole, 1651)
An Exposition with Practical Observations Continued Upon the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Chapters of the Prophesy of Hosea. Being First Delivered in Several Lectures ... By Jeremiah Burroughs. [With the Text.] (For Peter Cole, 1650)
Four Books on the Eleventh of Matthew (London : Peter Cole, 1659)
Four usefull discourses by Jer. Burroughs ... (London : Thomas Parkhurst ..., 1675)
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