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« Dudley Fenner (c.1558-1587)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
William Fenner (c.1600-1640)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (23 titles, 24 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Christs Alarm To Drovvsie Saints: Or, Christs Epistle to his Churches (London : Rothwell, 1651)
Christs alarm to drowsie saints, or, Christs epistle to his churches by William Fenner. (London : J.D. & R.I. for John Rothwell, 1646)
The danger of deferring repentance discovered by that reverend and faithfull minister of the word, William Fenner. (London : Jo. Stafford and are to be sold by Richard Burton, 1654)
A divine message to the elect soule delivered in eight sermons upon seven severall texts (London : T.R. and E.M. for John Stafford, and are to be sold at his house ..., 1647)
Four profitable treatises very useful for Christian practise viz. I. The killing power of the law. II. The spiritual Watch. III. The new birth. IV. Of the Sabbath : all which are printed in folio, but these small pieces are intended for those that cannot go to the price of the greater volume (London : A. Maxey for J. Rothwel ... and Tho. Parkhurst ..., 1657)
Moetwillige onbekeerlijckheyt de grofste self-moort en al die daer aen schuldigh zijn, ghevangen, ondersocht, en veroordeelt in dese predicatien (gedr. by Henrick Smidt. Voor Abraham van Laren, tot Vlissinghe, 1661)
Practicall divinitie: or, gospel-light shining forth in severall choyce sermons, on divers texts of scripture. Viz. 1. The misery of earthly thoughts, on Isa. 55. 7. 2. A sermon of self-denial, on Luke 9. 23. 3. The efficacie of importunate prayer in two sermons on Collos. 1. 10. 5. A caveat against late repentance, on Luke 23. 24. 6. The soveraign vertue of the Gospel, on Psal. 147. 3 7 A funeral sermon, on Isa. 57. 1. Preached by that laborious and faithfull messenger of Christ, William Fenner, sometimes fellow of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge, and late minister of Rochford in Essex. (London : T.R. and E.M. for John Stafford and are to be sold at his house in Brides Church-yard, 1647)
Puls der Seelen, wobey ein Christ erkennen mag, ob er geistlich lebe oder todt sey : Oder: Lebhaffte Beschreibung der menschlichen Affecten und Begierden, nebst einer Anweisung wie dieselben recht sollen eingerichtet werden (Augsburg : Kühtze, 1713)
Remains of that reverend & faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. William Fenner, late minister of Rochford in Essex ... now compared with his own notes and published by Simeon Ash, William Taylor, Matthew Poole, John Jackson and John Seabrooke ... (London : Joseph Cranford ..., 1657)
The riches of grace a treatise shewing the value and excellency of a gracious spirit by comparing it with the nature and spirits of wicked and ungodly men, which desire not the wayes of the Lord Jesus (London : R. Cotes for I. Sweeting ..., 1641)
The sacrifice of the faithfull, or, A treatise shewing the nature, property, and efficacy of zealous prayer together with some motives to prayer, and helps against discouragements in prayer : to which is added seven profitable sermons (London : John Stafford ..., 1648)
Le sainct jour du Seigneur, ou le droit de l'Eternel maintenu et deffendu contre l'insolence des hommes
Genève, 1669GB 
The souls looking-glasse, lively representing its estate before God with a treatise of conscience : wherein the definitions and distinctions thereof are unfolded, and severall cases resolved (Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : Roger Daniel ..., for John Rothwell ..., 1643)
The spirituall man's directorie guiding a Christian in the path that leads to true blessednesse in his III. maine duties towards God : how [brace] to believe, to obey, to pray [brace] : unfolding the [brace] Creed, X. Command., the Lords prayer (London : T.F. for John Rothvvell ..., 1648)
The Spiritvall Mans Directory. Guiding a Christian in the Path that leads to true Blessednesse. Jn his III. maine Duties towards God. How To Believe, To Obey, To Pray, Unfolding the Creed. X. Command. Lords Prayer. (London : Iohn Rothwell, 1651)
A treatise of the affections, or, The souls pulse whereby a Christian may know whether he be living or dying : together with a lively description of their nature, signs, and symptomes : as also directing men to the right use and ordering of them (London : A.M. for J. Rothwell ..., 1650)
Twee predicatien van de nuttigheyt ende het profijt der goddelijcke overlegginge ...: Met noch een predicatie van het groote gevaer, van het uyt-stel der bekeeringe ... (gedr. by Henrick Smidt, voor Abraham van Laren, tot Vlissinghe, 1661)
Verzameling van opwekkende kerkredenen,, trans. Abraham Laren (Laurens Groenewout, drukker en boekverkoper in de Swane-straat, in de Atlas, 1736)
Wilfull impenitency, the grossest selfe-murder all they who are guilty of it, apprehended, tryed and condemned in these sermons, preached at Rochford in Essex not long before his death (London : E.G. for Iohn Rothwell ..., 1648)
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