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Thomas Becon (1512-1567)
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Primary Sources (54 titles, 63 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (4) | Theology (59)
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[The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates (London : Ihon Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, a lytle beneth S. Martins, these bokes are to be solde at hys shop by the lytle cunduite in Chepesyde, 1550)
The actes of Christe and of Antichriste concernyng bothe their life and doctrine: diligently gathered and now taken out of his workes, by Thomas Becon. (London : Ihon Daie. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Magistatis per decennium, 1577)
Anthologia Lactantii Firmiani : elegantissimas sententias, easque tam pietate, quam doctrina illustres, complectens / recenter im locos digesta communes per Thomam Beconum (Lugduni : apud Clementem Baudinum, 1558)
The castell of comforte in the whiche it is euidently proued, [that] God alone absolueth, and freli forgeueth the sinners of so many as vnfaynedly repent, and turne vnto hym Lately compyled by Thomas Becon. (London : Ihon Daye, dwellinge in Aldersgate, and William Seres, dwellinge in Peter Colledge, 1549)
The catechism : with other pieces written by him in the reign of King Edward the Sixth (Cambridge : Univ. Press, 1844)
The catechism of Thomas Becon ... With other pieces written by him in the reign of King Edward the sixth. Edited for the Parker society, vol. 3 (Cambridge : Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1844)
The catechism of Thomas Becon ...: With other pieces written by him the in the reign of King Edward the sixth, ed. John Ayre
ed. John Ayre (University press, 1844)GB 
The catechism of Thomas Becon: with other pieces written by him the in the reign of King Edward the sixth (University press, 1844)
A Christmas bankette garnyshed with many pleasaunt and deynty disshes, newely prepared by Theodore Basille. (Imprynted at London : In Botulphe lane at the sygne of the whyte Beare, by me Iohån Mayler for Iohån Gough, 1542)
Coenae Sacrosanctae Domini nostri Iesu Christi, & Missae Papisticae, Comparatio : uarios ac insignes Locos communes ex probatissimis & antiquissimis scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis studiosè diligenterq[ue] selectos complexte[n]s ... (Basileae : Oporinus, 1559)
Coenae Sacrosanctae Domini nostri Iesv Christi, & Missae Papisticae, Comparatio: uarios ac insignes Locos communes ex probatissimis & antiquissimis scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis studiosè diligenterq[ue] selectos complexte[n]s ... (Oporinus, 1559)
A comfortable epistle, too Goddes faythfull people in Englande wherein is declared the cause of takynge awaye the true Christen religion from them, & howe it maye be recouered and obtayned agayne, newly made by Thomas Becon. (Imprynted at Strasburgh in Elsas [i.e. Wesel?] : J. Lambrecht?] at the signe of the golde[n] Bibel, 1554)
Dauids harpe ful of moost delectable armony, newely strynged and set in tune by Theadore Basille. (Imprynted at London : In Botulph lane at the sygne of the whyte Beare, by Joh[a]n Mayler for Joh[a]n Gough, 1542)
The demaundes of holy scripture, with answeres to the same wherein are defined, and declared the cheefe, and principall poyntes of Christian doctrine: very profitable for the right vnderstanding of holy scriptures: made by T. Becon, and dravven out of his great vvorkes. (At London : Iohn Day, 1577)
The demaundes of the Holy Scripture : London, 1577 (Norwood, N.J. : W.J. Johnson ; Amsterdam : Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1979)
The displaying of the Popish masse vvherein thou shalt see, what a wicked idoll the masse is, and what great difference there is between the Lords Supper and the Popes Masse: againe, what Popes brought in every part of the masse, and counted it together in such monstrous sort, as it is now used in the Popes kingdome. Written by Thomas Becon; and published in the dayes of Queene Mary. (London : A. G[riffin] for the Company of Stationers, 1637)
The early works : being the treatises published by him in the reign of King Henry VIII (Cambridge : Univ. Press, 1843)
The early works of Thomas Becon: being the treatises published by him in the reign of King Henry VIII (Cambridge University Press, 1843)
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