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« Lambert van den Bos (1620-1698)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Lambert Bos (1670-1717)
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Primary Sources (30 titles, 27 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (10) | Arts (17)
Results 1-17
Animadversiones ad scriptores quosdam graecos
Franeker : Halma, 1715GB 
Franekera, 1715BSB 
Antiquitatum Graecarum
Franeker : D. Romar, 1809GB 
Franeker : H. D. Lomars, 1773GB 
Leipzig : Martini, 1749GB 
Antiquities of Greece, trans. Percival Stockdale (London : T. Davies, 1772)
Bos' Greek ellipses, abridged and tr. from professor Schæfer's ed., with notes, by J. Seager, trans. John Seager (1830)
Diatpibai sive exercitationes philologicae
Franeker : Johannes Gyzelaar, 1700GB 
Franeker : Wibium Bleck, 1713GB 
Diatribae sive exercitationes philologicae (Franquera, 1700)
Ellipses Graecae cum priorum editorum suisque observationibus, ed. Godofredus Henricus Schaefer (London : R. Priestley, 1825)
Ellipses Graecae sive de vocibus, quae in sermone Graeco per ellipsin supprimuntur (Nuremberg : Adam Jonath. Felsecker, 1763)
Exercitationes philologicae, in quibus Novi Foederis loca nonnulla ex auctoribus Græcis illustrantur. Accedit Dissertatio de etymologia Graeca, 2nd ed. (Franeker : Wibium Bleck, 1713)
Greek Ellipses, trans. John Seager (Valpy, 1830)
A translation of The Grecian antiquities (Cambridge : Grant, 1833)
A translation of the Grecian antiquities of Lambert Bos. To which is added an appendix. By G. Barber, trans. George Barber (B.A.) (W.P. Grant, 1833)

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