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John Wilkins (1614-1672)
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Candidatus Ministerii Literatus, Oder der Gelehrte Prediger-Candidat, Das ist: John Wilkins Ehemahligen weltberühmten Bischoffs zu Chester in Engelland Ecclesiastes oder Discurs Von Der Gabe zu predigen [et]c. : Darinnen überhaupt die Englische Prediger-Methode und gantze Theologie, nebst denen Berichten von denen Ubersetzungen, Concordantzen, Auslegern [et]c. der Bibel gründlich vorgetragen wird (Leipzig, [n.d.])
Discours de la beauté de la providence (Amsterdam : Pierre Brunel, 1690)
Discours von der Gabe zu bethen (Rohrbach, 1701)
A discourse [on Eccles. iii. 11] concerning the beauty of Providence in all the rugged passages of it; very seasonable to quiet ... the heart in these times of publick confusion (1649)
A Discourse concerning the Beauty of Providence. The fourth edition (1704)
A Discourse concerning the gift of prayer : shewing what it is, wherein it consists, and how far it is attainable by industry ; with divers useful and proper directions to that purpose, both in respect of matter, method, and expression
London : J. Lawrence and A. Churchil, 1690GB 
8th ed. / London : J. Lawrence [etc.], 1704IA 
9th ed. / London : J. & B. Sprint, 1718IA 
A Discourse concerning the Gift of Prayer ... Whereunto may be added Ecclesiastes: or, a Discourse concerning the Gift of Preaching (1655)
A Discourse concerning the Gift of Prayer, etc, vol. 1 (1695)
A Discourse Concerning the Gift of Prayer: Shewing what it Is, Wherein it Consists, and how Far it is Attainable by Industry : with Divers Useful and Proper Directions to that Purpose, Both in Respect of Matter, Method, Expression (A.M. and R.R., 1678)
A Discourse Concerning the Gift of Prayer: Shewing what it Is, Wherin it Consists, and how Far it is Attainable by Industry, with Divers Useful and Proper Directions to that Purpose, Both in Respect of Matter, Method, Expression (London : T. M., 1655)
Diskurs von der Gabe zu bethen (Frankfurt u.a. : Rohrbach, 1701)
Ecclesiastes ... The fourth edition (1659)
Ecclesiastes, ofte Een discoers, aengaende de gave van 't prediken, 3rd ed., vol. 1 (Jac. Benjamin, 1652)
Ecclesiastes, or a Discourse concerning the gift of preaching ... The third edition (T. R. and E. M., 1651)
Ecclesiastes, or, A discourse concerning the gift of preaching as it fals under the rules of art shewing the most proper rules and directions, for method, invention, books, expression, whereby a minister may be furnished with such abilities as may make him a workman that needs not to be ashamed : very seasonable for these times, wherein the harvest is great, and the skilful labourers but few (London : T.R. and E.M. for Samuel Gellibrand ..., 1651)
Ecclesiastes: or, A discourse concerning the gift of preaching ... The sixth impression, corrected and enlarged (A. Maxwell, 1675)
An essay towards a real character (Gellibrand, 1668)
Johann Wilkins, Weil. Bischofs zu Chester Zwey Bücher von den Grundsätzen und Pflichten der natürlichen Religion: Nebst Willam Lloyds Leichenrede bey dessen Beerdigung. Aus dem englischen übersetzet, von Johann Henrich Tiling .... Mit einer Vorrede von ... Herrn D. Nicolaus Nonnen (Rump, 1750)
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