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Paul Charles (c.1585-1648)
TraditionReformedReference | Haag2Academic TitleProf. of Theology, Montauban (1645-1648)
Primary Sources (2 titles, 3 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Catecheseos ecclesiarum in Gallia et alibi reformatarum, explicatio... Opus a Paulo Carolo in ecclesia & academia MLontalbanensi pastore & SStae theologiae professore primo, inchoatum & ab Antonio Garrissolio pariter in eadem ecclesia & academia pastore ac professore continuatum & absolutum. (Genevae : Petrus Chouët, 1656) / added author(s): Antoine Garissoles [Sections 1-30 are by P. Charles; the remaining are by A. Garissoles]
Explicatio catecheseos religionis christianae / added author(s): Antoine Garissoles
Genevae : Petrus Chouët, 1655 [Sections 1-30 are by P. Charles; the remaining are by A. Garissoles] GB 
Genevae : Petrus Chouët, 1656 [Sections 1-30 are by P. Charles; the remaining are by A. Garissoles] GB 

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