Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share: Theology (12) | Translated (1) | Related (7) | | An admonition to all such as shall intende hereafter to enter the state of matrimony godly, and agreeably to lawes. Fyrste, that they contract not to suche persons as be hereafter expressed, nor with any of like degree, against the lawe of God and the lawes of the realm. Secondly, that they make no secrete contractes without consente and counsaile of theire parents or elders, vnder whose authoritie they bee: contery to Gods lawes and mans ordinaunces. Thirdly, that they contract not a new with any other vpon diuorse [and] separation made by the judge for a time, the lawes yet standing to the contrary. Set forth by the moste reuerende father in God, Matthew, Archbyshop of Canterbury, primate of all Englande, and metropolitane. ( London : Reginald Wolfe, 1571) | EEBO-TCP | | |
An admonition: to all such as shall intend hereafter to enter the state of matrimonie godly, and agreeable to lawes. ... Set foorth by the most reuerend Father in God, Mathew Archbishop of Canterburie, ... ( London : for Edward White, 1605) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Correspondence of Matthew Parker ...: comprising letters written by and to him from A.D. 1535 to his death A.D. 1575 (Cambridge University Press, 1853) | GB | | |
Correspondence of Matthew Parker, D.D., Archbishop of Canterbury : comprising letters written by and to him, from A.D. 1535 to his death, A.D. 1575 ( Cambridge : University Press, 1853) | IA | | |
Correspondence of Matthew Parker, letters written by and to him ... 1535 to ... 1575, ed. by J. Bruce and T.T. Perowne, ed. John Bruce ( 1853) | GB | | |
Correspondence of Matthew Parker. Comprising letters written by and to him, from A. D. 1535, to his death, A. D. 1575 (Cambridge [Eng.] University press, 1853) | IA | | |
De Antiquitate Britannicae ecclesiae, et nominatim de priuilegiis ecclesiae cantuariensis, atque de archiepiscopis eiusdem LXX. Historia, antehac non nisi semel nimirum Londini, in aedibus Joannis Dali anno 1572 excusa... [Authore Matthaeo Parker, coopera (typis Wechelianis, 1605) | GB | | |
De Antiquitate Britannicae ecclesiae, et nominatim de priuilegiis ecclesiae cantuariensis, atque de archiepiscopis eiusdem LXX. Historia, antehac non nisi semel nimirum Londini, in aedibus Joannis Dali anno 1572 excusa... [Authore Matthaeo Parker, cooperantibus G. Ackworth et J. Josseline] (typis Wechelianis, 1605) | GB | | |
De Antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesiae, Et nominatim De Privilegiis Ecclesiae Cantuariensis, atque de Archiepiscopis eiusdem LXX. Historia : Antehac non nisi semel, nimirum Londini in aedibus Joannis Daii Anno M.D.LXXII. excusa ( Hanoviae : Marnius, 1605) | SLUB | | |
A funerall sermon, both godlye, learned and comfortable, preached at S. Maries in Cambridge, Anno 1551. at the buriall of the reuerend doctor, and faithfull pastor of the Churche of Christe, Martin Bucer. By Matthew Parker Doctor in Diuinitie, and since, Archbishoppe of Canterburye. ( London : Thomas Purfoote, and are to be sold at his shop without Newe-gate, ouer against S. Sepulchers Church, 1587) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Registrum Matthei Parker diocesis cantuariensis, vol. 35 (The Canterbury and York Society, 1907) | GB | | |
The whole Psalter translated into English metre : which contayneth an hundred and fifty Psalmes ; the first quinquagene ( London : John Daye, 1560) | IA | | |