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An apologie for Sundrie proceedings by jurisdiction ecclesiastical (Barker, 1593) | GB | | |
Apospasmatia Sacra, Or A Collection of Posthumous and Orphan Lectures: Delivered at St. Pauls and St. Giles His Church ( London : R. Hodgkinsonne, for H. Moseley, 1657) | GB | | |
The form of consecration of a church or chappel, and of the place of Christian burial ( 1675) | IA | | |
The Morall Law Expounded, 1. Largely, 2. Learnedly, 3. Orthodoxly ( London : Michael Sparke, et al, 1642) | DTS | | |
Ninety-Six Sermons, ed. J. Bliss and J.P. Wilson [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology] ( Oxford : J. H. Parker) | |
| GB | | |
Vol. 2 (1841) | GB | | |
Vol. 3 (1843) | GB | | |
Vol. 4 (1843) | GB | | |
Vol. 5 (1843) | GB | | |
Of episcopacy : three epistles of Peter Moulin, Doctor and professor of divinity : answered by the Right Reverend Father in God Lancelot Andrews, Late Lord Bishop of Winchester ( London, 1648) | IA | | |
Of episcopacy three epistles of Peter Moulin ... ( London, 1647) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Opuscula quaedam posthuma, ed. J. Bliss and J.P. Wilson [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology] ( Oxford : J. H. Parker, 1852) | GB | | |
A pattern of catechistical doctrine, and other minor works, ed. J. Bliss and J.P. Wilson [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology, vol. 2] ( Oxford : J. H. Parker, 1846) | GB | | |
Preces Privatae Quotidianae, ed. J. Bliss and J.P. Wilson [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology] ( Oxford : J. H. Parker, 1853) | GB | | |
Responsio ad Apologiam Cardinalis Bellarmini, ed. J. Bliss and J.P. Wilson [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology] ( Oxford : J. H. Parker, 1851) | GB | | |
Responsio ad apologiam Cardinalis Bellarmini: quam nuper edidit contra præfationem monitoriam : serenissimi ac potentissimi principis Iacobim Dei gratia Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ regis, fidei defensoris, omnibvs Christianis monarchis, principibvs, atque ordinibus inscriptam (Robertus Barkerus, 1610) | GB | | |
Reverendi in Christo Patris, Lanceloti, Episcopi VVintoniensis, Opuscula quaedam posthuma ( Londini : Felix Kyngston pro R[ichard]. B[adger]. & Andraea Hebb, 1629) | IA | | |
A sermon preached before the Kings Maiesti, at Hampton Court | |
Londini, 1608 | BSB | | |