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« Ralph Cudworth (1572-1624)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Ralph Cudworth (1617-1688)
TraditionAnglican, LatitudinarianReferenceen | EMLOAcademic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (47 titles, 82 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (6) | Theology (7) | Philosophy (69)
Results 1-7
A Discourse Concerning the True Notion of the Lord's Supper: To which are Added Two Sermons, on I John Ch.2. Vers. 3,4. I Corinth. 15.57, Part 4, 2nd ed. (J. Flesher, 1670)
Gwirionedd a grym duwioldeb ... Wedi ei chyfieithu gan Evan Lewis (Argraffwyd gan Thomas Gee dros y Cyfieithydd, 1839)
Gwirionedd a grym duwioldeb: Pregeth a dradodwyd o flaen anrhydeddus dy cyffredin y parliament, yn Westminster, Mawrth 31ain, 1647 (Argraphwyd gan Thomas Gee, 1868)
Mr. Cudworth's sermon preached before the honble House of commons, at Westminster, March 31st, 1647: Reprinted, and dedicated to W.M. Thackeray, esquire, ed. James Brogden (Cambridge : J.T. Wheeler, and sold in London by G Bell, 1852)
A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at Westminster, March 31, 1647 by R. Cudworth ... (Cambridge : Roger Daniel ..., 1647)
A sermon preached to the honourable Society of Lincolns-Inne by R. Cudsworth ... (London : J. Flesher for R. Royston ..., 1664)
They know Christ who keep his commandments (Hogg, 1858)

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