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Helmstedt, Germany
(Est. 1575)
Faculty (51) | Disputations (80) | Related Primary Sources (3) | Websites (2)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Nikolaus SelneckerProf. of Theology (1571-1574) 335Lutherande | ADB
Georg CalixtProf. of Theology (1614-1656) 335Lutherande en | ADB | EMLO | NDB
Tilemann HeshusenProf. of Theology (1577-?) 276Lutheranen de | NDB | Rotermund
Johannes CaseliusProf. of Philosophy (1589-?) 203Lutherann/a
Gerhard TitiusProf. of Theology (1650-1681) 160LutheranADB
Gerhard TitiusProf. of Hebrew (?-1650) 160LutheranADB
Balthasar CellariusProf. of Theology (1642-1689) 159Lutherande | ADB
Heinrich RixnerProf. of Metaphysics (1661-?) 114LutheranADB
Heinrich RixnerProf. of Theology (1673-?) 114LutheranADB
Daniel HofmannProf. of Theology (?-?) 112LutheranADB | BBKL
Johann Andreas Schmidt, SrProf. of Antiquities and Classics (1695-?) 95LutheranJöcher
Johann Ernst SchubertProf. of Theology (1748-1764) 88Lutherande | ADB
Samuel RachelProf. of Ethics (1658-1665) 74Lutherande | ADB
Heinrich Julius ScheurlProf. of Moral Philosophy (1629-1651) 73Lutherande
Conrad HorneiusProf. of Logic and Ethics (1619-?) 65Lutherande | NDB
Conrad HorneiusProf. of Theology (1628-1649) 65Lutherande | NDB
Heinrich WiedeburgProf. of Metaphysics & Logic (1673-?) 60LutheranZedler
Cornelis MartiniProf. of Logic (1592-?) 56LutheranNDB | Scholasticon
Ernst August BertlingProf. of Theology (1748-1753) 48Lutherande | ADB
Timotheus KirchnerProf. of Theology (1576-1579) 35Lutherande | NDB
Gebhard Theodor MeierProf. of Ethics (1660-?) 32Lutherande
Gebhard Theodor MeierProf. of Theology (1665-?) 32Lutherande
Johannes EisenhartProf. of Philosophy (1678-1688) 31LutheranADB
Johannes EisenhartProf. of Law (1688-1707) 31LutheranADB
Petrus MusaeusProf. of Theology (1663-1665) 28LutheranADB
Heinrich Julius StrubeLecturer (1611-1612) 25Lutherann/a
Heinrich Julius StrubeProf. of Theology (1615-1629) 25Lutherann/a
Heinrich HahnProf. of Law (?-?) 20n/an/a
Heinrich BoethiusProf. of Theology (1575-1578) 17Reformedn/a
Heinrich BoethiusProf. of Greek (1589-1593) 17Reformedn/a
Heinrich BoethiusProf. of Theology (1593-1622) 17Reformedn/a
Theodor BerckelmannProf. of Theology (1609-1625) 16LutheranADB
Johannes HorneiusProf. of History & Poetry (1650-1668) 16Lutherann/a
Friedrich WeiseProf. of Theology (1697-1730) 16LutheranADB
Johannes Saubert, JrProf. of Oriental Languages (1660-1673) 15Lutherande | ADB
Johannes Saubert, JrProf. of Theology (1665-1673) 15Lutherande | ADB
Alardus VaeckProf. of Theology (?-?) 15Lutherann/a
Owen GüntherProf. of Physics (1576-?) 11Lutherann/a
Johann OleariusProf. of Hebrew (1578-?) 10Lutherande
Duncan LiddellProf. of (1591-1607) 8n/an/a
Johann von FeldenProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 8Lutherann/a
Justus Christoph BöhmerProf. of Politics & Eloquence (?-?) 7Lutherann/a
Heinrich HeshusenProf. of Arts (1579-1591) 5Lutheran
Henning VolckmarProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 5LutheranScholasticon
Johann BaldoviusProf. of Theology (1639-1662) 3LutheranZedler
Johann Carl Christoph FerberProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 3n/an/a
Johann Andreas Schmidt, JrProf. of Medicine and Chemistry (?-?) 2n/an/a
Jonas Conrad SchrammProf. of Theology (?-?) 2Lutherann/a
Heinrich UffelmannProf. of Ethics (1665-?) 1Lutherande
Johannes DöbelProf. of Oriental Languages (?-?) 1Lutherann/a
Friedrich WeiseProf. of Metaphysics (?-?) 0Lutherann/a

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