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Acronius, Ruardus (1546-1612)
Predicatie, door Johannem Wtenbogaert bearbeydet, in welcke hy de voornaemste gronden zijns laetsten boecks, handelende vande macht der politiker overheyt in kerckelijcke saken, openbaerlijck met zijn verklaringhe betoont, gheensinszijn ghevoelen te bevestigen : door Ruardum Acronium, 2nd ed. (Amsterdam : Marten Jansz. Brandt, 1615)
Agrippa of Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius (1486-1535)
Vermaakelyk tractaat, waar in op een satyrische en aangenaame wyse ondersogt en aangetoond werd, dat het vrouwelyk geslagt in agting en waarde, vry meer in luister en aansien gehouden moet werden als dat van de Mannen (Amsterdam, 1733)
Ainsworth, Henry (1569-1622)  en
An Animadversion to Mr Richard Clyftons Advertisement (Amsterdam : Giles Thorp, 1613)
An animadversion to Mr Richard Clyftons advertisement. Who under pretense of answering Chr. Lawnes book, hath published an other mans private letter, with Mr Francis Iohnsons answer therto. Which letter is here justified; the answer therto refuted: and the true causes of the lamentable breach that hath lately fallen out in the English exiled Church at Amsterdam, manifested, by Henry Ainsworth. (Amsterdam : Giles Thorp, 1613)
Annotations upon the Book of Psalmes: Wherein the Hebrew words and sentences are compared with, and explained by the ancient Greek and Chaldee versions: but chiefly by conference with the holy Scriptures, 2nd ed. (Amsterdam : G. Thorp], 1617)
An arrovv against idolatrie. Taken out of the quiver of the Lord of hosts. By H.A. (Amsterdam : [Successors of G. Thorp], 1624)
An arrow against idolatrie: Taken out of the quiver of the Lord of Hosts ([Amsterdam], 1610)
The book of Psalmes: Englished both in prose and metre with annotations, opening the words and sentences, by conference with other Scriptures (Amsterdam : Giles Thorpe, 1612)
A censure upon the dialogue of the Anabaptists intituled, A description of what God hath predestinated concerning man ... By Henry Ainsworth. ([Amsterdam] : [by the successors of Giles Thorp], 1623)
Certain notes of M. Henry Aynsworth his last sermon. Taken by pen in the publique delivery by one of his flock, a little before his death. Anno 1622. ; Published now at last by the said writer, as a love token of remembrance to his brethren to inkindle their affections to prayer, that scandalls (of manie years continuance) may be removed, that are barrs to keep back manie godly wise and judicious from us, wherby we might grow to farther perfection again. ([Amsterdam] : Imprinted [by the successors of G. Thorp], 1630)
La communion des Saincts : Un traicté de la societé que les fideles ont avec Dieu, et ses Anges, et l'un avec l'autre; en ceste vie presente, trans. Jean de Lescluse (Amsterdam : Giles Thorp, 1615)
The communion of saincts. A treatise of the fellowship that the faithful have with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. (Amsterdam : Giles Thorp, 1607)
The confession of faith of certayn English people living in exile, in the Low countreyes. Together with a brief note of the speciall heads of those things wherin we differ fro[m] the Church of Engla[n]d. (Amsterdam : [G. Thorp], 1607)
A defence of the Holy Scriptures, worship, and ministerie, used in the Christian Churches separated from Antichrist Against the challenges, cavils and contradiction of M. Smyth: in his book intituled The differences of the Churches of the Separation. Hereunto are annexed a few observations upon some of M. Smythes censures; in his answer made to M. Bernard. By Henry Ainsworth, teacher of the English exiled Church in Amsterdam. (Amsterdam : Giles Thorp, 1609)
An epistle sent vnto tuuo daughters of VVarwick from H.N., the oldest father of the Familie of Love ; with a refutation of the errors that are therein, by H.A. (Amsterdam : Giles Thorp, 1608)
A reply to a pretended Christian plea for the anti-Chistian [sic] Church of Rome: published by Mr. Francis Iohnson a0. 1617. Wherin the weakness of the sayd plea is manifested, and arguments alleaged for the Church of Rome, and baptisme therein, are refuted; by Henry Ainsworth. Anno 1618. ([Amsterdam] : [by Giles Thorp], 1620)
Albertus Magnus, O.P. (c.1193-1280)
De secretis mulierum. Item, de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium (Amstelodami : Apud Henricum et Theod. Boom, 1669)
Allinga, Petrus (1658-1692)
Fax dissidii extincta : s. Exercitationes pacificae ad non nullas quaestiones, quae hodie in Belgio moventur (Amstelodamum, 1682)
Fax dissidii extincta, seu exercitationes pacificae ad Nonnullas Quaestiones Problematicas, quae hodie in Belgio potissimum moventur
Amsterdam : Henricum Wetstenium, 1682GB 
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