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Duncan, William (1717-1760)
The elements of logic (New-York, E. Duyckinck, N. Van Riper : printer, 1818)
The elements of logic. In four books .. (New-York, Printed by L. Nichols : & co. for E. Duyckinck, 1802)
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758)  en
History of redemption : on a plan entirely original, exhibiting the gradual discovery and accomplishment of the divine purposes in the salvation of man ; including a comprehensive view of church history, and the fulfilment of Scripture prophecies
New York : T. and J. Swords, 1793IA 
New York : T. and J. Swords, for the editor [D. Austin], 1793IA 
History of redemption, on a plan entirely original: exhibiting the gradual discovery and accomplishment of the divine purposes in the salvation of man : including a comprehensive view of church history, and the fulfilment of scripture prophecies ... to which are now added notes, historical, critical, and theological, with the life and experience of the author, ed. David Austin
ed. David Austin (New York : T. and J. Swords, 1793)GB 
A History of the work of redemption : containing the outlines of a body of divinity, in a method entirely new (New York : Shepard Kollock, for Robert Hodge, 1786)
Selected sermons of Jonathan Edwards (New York : Macmillan, 1904)
Thoughts on the revival of religion in New England, 1740; to which is prefixed, A narrative of the surprising work of God in Northampton, Mass., 1735 (New York : American Tract Society, 1800)
A treatise concerning religious affections: in three parts. Part I. Concerning the nature of the affections, and their importance in religion. Part II. Shewing what are no certain signs that religious affections are gracious, or that they are not. Part III. Shewing what are distinguishing signs of truly gracious and holy affections, 2nd ed. (New York : J. Parker, 1768)
An unpublished essay of Edwards on the Trinity, with remarks on Edwards and his theology (New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1903)
The works of President Edwards : with a memoir of his life (New York : S. Converse)
Vol. 4 (1829)
Vol. 6 (1829) IA 
Vol. 7 (1829) IA 
Vol. 8 (1829) IA 
Vol. 9 (1829) IA 
The works of President Edwards; with a memoir of his life .. (New York : G. & C. & H. Carvill)
Vol. 1 (1830)
Vol. 2 (1830) IA 
Vol. 3 (1830) IA 
Vol. 4 (1830) IA 
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