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Charron, Pierre (1541-1603)
A treatise on widsom (New York : [etc.] G. P. Putnam's sons, 1891)
Chubb, Thomas (1679-1747)
Ships and lovers (New York, A. and C. Boni : inc. 1933., 1933)
Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729)  en
A collection of the promises of Scripture, under their proper heads: representing the blessings promised [and] the duties to which promises are made. With an appendix, relating to the future state of the church, and an introd., containing observations upon the excellency and use of the promises ... (New York, [n.d.])
Claude, Jean (1619-1687)  en de
An essay on the composition of a sermon (New York : Lane & Scott)
Vol. 1 (1779)
Vol. 2 (1779) IA 
New York : Lane & Scott, 1849IA 
Colquhoun, John (1748-1827)
A treatise on the law and the gospel (New York : Wiley & Long, 1835)
Comenius, Johann Amos (1592-1670)  en
The labyrinth of the world and the paradise of the heart (New York : E.P. Dutton & co., 1901)
Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1671-1713)
The life, unpublished letters, and Philosophical regimen of Anthony, earl of Shaftesbury
London : S. Sonnenschein & co., lim. ; New York : The Macmillan co, 1900IA 
London : S. Sonnenschein & co., lim. ; New York : The Macmillan co., 1900IA 
Crashaw, Richard (c.1612-1648)  en
The verse in English of Richard Crashaw : the 1646 text of Steps to the temple and The delights of the Muses; the 1652 text of Carmen Deo Nostro; the 1653 text of A letter from Mr. Crashaw to the Countess of Denbigh; and the poems from manuscript. (New York : Grove, 1949)
Cruz, Juan de la (1542-1591)  en fr
A spiritual canticle of the soul and the bridegroom Christ (New York : Benziger Brothers, 1909)
Dalrymple, William (1723-1814)
A history of Christ, for the use of the unlearned, with short explanatory notes, and practical reflections, humbly recommended to parents and teachers of youth in schools
New York : Edinburgh the author and sold by E. Balfour [etc, 1787IA 
De Ronde, Lambertus (1720-1795)
A system: containing, the principles of the Christian religion, suitable to the Heidelberg Catechism (New York : H. Gaine, 1763)
Dee, John (1527-c.1608)
The private diary of Dr. John Dee : and the catalogue of his library of manuscripts, from the original manuscripts in the Ashmolean museum at Oxford, and Trinity college library, Cambridge (New York : AMS Press, 1842)
Defoe, Daniel (1660-1731)
Defoe's review : reproduced from the original editions
New York : AMS Press, 1938IA 
A journal of the plague year : being observations or memorials of the most remarkable occurrences as well publick as private, which happened in London during the last great visitation in 1665 (London ; New York : G. Routledge, 1884)
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