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St. Louis
Primary Sources (9 titles, 10 vols.) Suggest a New Source
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Allen, William (1532-1594)  en
A true, sincere and modest defence of English Catholics that suffer for their faith both at home and abroad, against a false, seditions and slanderous libel entitled: (London : The Manresa Press ; St. Louis : B. Herder)
Vol. 1 (1914)
Vol. 2 (1914) IA 
Baier, Johann Wilhelm, Sr (1647-1695)  en de
Compendium of Positive Theology, ed. C. F. W. Walther (St. Louis : Concordia Publishing House, 1877) [Abridged]
Bonaventure, Saint (1221-1274)
Holiness of life : being St. Bonaventure's treatise De perfectione vitæ ad sorores (St. Louis, Mo. ; London : B. Herder book co, 1928)
The virtues of a religious superior (De sex alis seraphim) (St. Louis, Mo. : B. Herder, 1921)
Dilherr, Johannes Michael (1604-1669)  de
Betrachtungen und Seufzer eines Christenmenschen (St. Louis : F. Dette, 1874)
Fisher, John (1469-1535)
Commentary On The Seven Penitential Psalms, Volume 1 (St. Louis : B. Herder, 1914)
Commentary On The Seven Penitential Psalms, Volume 2 (St. Louis : B. Herder, 1914)
A spiritual consolation and other treatises. (London : Art & Book company ; St. Louis : B. Herder, 1903)
Heshusen, Tilemann (1527-1588)  en de
Zehn Predigten von der Rechtfertigung des Sünders vor Gott (St. Louis : Concordia Publishing House, 1901)

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