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Abelard, Peter (1079-1142)  en fr
Lives and letters of Abelard and Heloise (San Francisco, New York : P. Elder & company, 1861)
Adams, Thomas (1583-1652)  en
The three divine sisters, faith, hope, and charity : The leaven, or, A direction to heaven ; A crucifix, or, A sermon upon the passion ; Semper idem, or, The immutable mercy of Jesus Christ (New York : R. Carter, 1847)
Alleine, Joseph (1634-1668)  en
An Alarm to unconverted sinners : in a serious treatise on conversion (New York : American Tract Society, 1800)
An alarm to unconverted sinners in a serious treatise on conversion
New York : American Tract Society, 1834IA 
New York, American Tract Society, D. Fanshaw : printer, 1834IA 
An alarm to unconverted sinners.. (New York : American tract society, 1850)
Heaven opened; or, A brief and plain discovery of the riches of God's covenant of grace (New York : American tract society, [n.d.])
The solemn warnings of the dead: or, An admonition to unconverted sinners (New York, N.Y. : Daniel Hitt, for the Methodist Connection in the United States, 1811)
Alleine, Richard (c.1610-1681)  en
Heaven opened; or, a brief and plain discovery of the riches of God's covenant of grace (New York : American Tract Society, 1852)
Heaven Opened: Or, a Brief and Plain Discovery of the Riches of God's Covenant of Grace (New York : American Tract Society, [n.d.])
Alleine, Theodosia (fl.1672-)
Life and death of the Rev. Joseph Alleine ... Written by Richard Baxter, Theodosia Alleine, and other persons, to which are added his Christian letters. (New York : R. Carter, 1840) / added author(s): Richard Baxter
Allen, Ethan (1738-1789)
A narrative of the captivity of Col. Ethan Allen [microform] : from the time of his being taken by the British, near Montreal, on the 25th day of September, in the year 1775, to the time of his exchange, on the 6th day of May, 1778 : containing his voyages and travels, with the most remarkable occurences ... interspersed with some political observations (Albany [New York] : Pratt & Clark; Moses Pratt, jun. ..., 1814)
Andreae, Johann Valentin (1586-1654)  en
Christianopolis: An ideal state of the seventeenth century (New York : Oxford University Press, 1916)
Ashe, Simeon (-1662)  en
A treatise on divine contentment (New-York : M.W. Dodd, 1841)
Athanasius (c.293-373)
On the incarnation : the treatise De incarnatione Verbi Dei (New York : Macmillan, 1981)
Select treatises of St. Athanasius in controversy with the Arians, vol. 2 (London ; New York : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1888)
Bacon, Francis (1561-1626)  en
Baconiana; or, Certain genuine remains of Sr. Francis Bacon. In arguments civil and moral, natural, medical, theological, and bibliographical; now the first time published (London : J.M. Dent ; New York : E.P. Dutton, 1679)
The Works of Francis Bacon (New York : Hurd & Houghton)
Vol. 2 (1862)
Vol. 3 (1862) IA 
Vol. 4 (1862) IA 
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