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« Edward Chandler (c.1688-1750)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Samuel Chandler (1693-1766)
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Primary Sources (52 titles, 75 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (75) | Translated (1)
Results 61-75
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A Short and Plain Catechism. Being an explication of the Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer ... The second edition, with alterations and additions (J. Noon, 1752)
The Signs of the Times. A Sermon Preached at the Old-Jury, Feb. 16, 1759: The Day Appointed for a Publick-fast. By Samuel Chandler, ... (J. Noon; and A. Millar, 1759)
A Vindication of a Passage of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London in His Second Pastoral Letter Against the Misrepresentations of William Berriman, D.D.: In a Letter to His Lordship (J. Roberts, 1734)
A Vindication of the Antiquity and Authority of Daniel's Prophecies, and Their Application to Jesus Christ: In Answer to the Objections of the Author of the Scheme of Literal Prophecy Consider'd [by Anthony Collins]. (London : John Gray, 1728)
A vindication of the Christian religion
London : Chandler, 1725IA 
London : S. Chandler, 1727IA 
London : Samuel Chandler, 1725IA 
2nd ed. / Chandler, 1728GB 
A vindication of the Christian religion: In two parts. A discourse of the nature and use of miracles. An answer to a late book entitled, A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion (S. Chandler, 1728)
A vindication of the history of the Old Testament : in answer to the misrepresentations and calumnies of Thomas Morgan, M.D. and moral philosopher .. (London : J. Noon, at the White-Hart, 1741)
A Vindication of the History of the Old Testament, in Answer to the Misrepresentations and Calumnies of Thomas Morgan, M. D. (J. Noon, 1741)
A Vindication of the History of the Old Testament,: In Answer to the Misrepresentations and Calumnies of Thomas Morgan, M. D. and Moral Philosopher..
J. Noon, at the White-Hart, Cheapside, R. Hett, at the Bible and Crown, and J. Davidson at the Angel, both in the Poultry., 1741GB 
A vindication of the right honourable the lord-mayor. [sir J. Barnard]. In answer to a letter address'd to his lordship [by S. Chandler], on occasion of his lordship's nomination of five dissenters ... to serve the office of sheriff of London. By a citizen (1738)
The Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Re-examined: And Their Testimony Proved Entirely Consistent. By Samuel Chandler (J. Noon; and R. Hett, 1744)
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