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« Nicol Burne (fl.1574-1598)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Gilbert Burnet (1643-1715)
TraditionAnglican, Arminian-Remonstrant, LatitudinarianReferenceen | DNB2Academic TitleProf. of Theology, Glasgow (1669-1674)
Primary Sources (189 titles, 412 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (392) | Law (1) | Other (19)
Results 321-340
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La nature et l'excellence de la religion chrét (1739)
The new preface and additional chapter to the third edition of the Pastoral care (D. Midwinter, 1713)
Observations on the first and second of the canons, commonly ascribed to the holy apostles. Wherein an account of the primitive constitution and government of churches, is contained
Glasgow, By Robert Sanders : printer to the City and University, 1673IA 
A pastoral letter writ by the Right Reverend Father in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum, to the clergy of his diocess, concerning the oaths of allegiance and supremacy to K. William and Q. Mary (London : J. Starkey and Ric. Chiswell, 1689)
A pastoral letter writ by the Right Reverend father in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum, to the clergy of the diocess, concerning the oaths of allegiance and supremacy to K. William and Q. Mary (London : J. Starkey and R. Chiswell, 1689)
Popish treaties not to be rely'd on : in a letter ([London, 1688)
A rational method for proving the truth of the Christian religion, as it is professed in the Church of England in answer to A rational compendious way to convince without dispute all persons whatsoever dissenting from the true religion, by J.K. (London : Richard Royston ..., 1675)
Reflectien Op den Heer Fagels Brief (1688)
Reflections on Mr. Varillas's History of the revolutions that have happened in Europe in matters of religion: And more particularly on his ninth book that relates to England (Amsterdam : P. Savouret, 1686)
Reflexions on the relat. of the english Reformation (1688)
Reformations-Geschichte der Kirche von England: Die Regierungen Heinrichs des VIII und Eduards des VI., vol. 1 (Meyer, 1765)
Reformations-Geschichte der Kirche von England. Von dem Verfasser selbst ins Künzere gezogen: Die Regierungen Heinrichs des VIII und Eduards des VI (Meyer, 1765)
A relation of a conference held about religion at London, the third of April, 1676 by Edw. Stillingfleet ... and Gilbert Burnet, with some gentlemen of the Church of Rome. (London : and are to be sold by Moses Pitt ..., 1676)
A relation of the barbarous and bloody massacre of about an hundred thousand protestants, begun at Paris, and carried on over all France by the Papists, in the year 1572 (London : Richard Chiswel, 1678)
A relation of the barbarous and bloody massacre of about an hundred thousand Protestants, begun at Paris, and carried on over all France, by the Papists, in the year 1572 collected out of Mezeray Thuanus, and other approved authors. (London : Richard Chiswel..., 1678)
Réponse au libelle de Sam. Parker, où l'on réfute tout ce qu'il a avencé pour l'abolution du Test, pour la transsubstantiation et pour d'idolâtrie de l'église rom (1688)
The royal martyr and The dutiful subject, in two sermons: The royal martyr lamented, in a sermon preached at the Savoy, on King Charles the Martyr's day, 1674/5 (ReW. Redmayne for J. Meredith, are to be sold by S. Keble at the Turk's-Head in Fleet Street, and J. Morphew near Stationer's-Hall, 1710)
The Royal Martyr Lamented: in a Sermon Preached At The Savoy, On King Charles the Martyr's Day, 1674/75 (Meredith, 1710)
A sermon preach'd at St. Brides before the Lord-Mayor and the Court of Aldermen: on Monday in Easter-Week. 1711 (London : John Churchill ..., 1711)
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