Share:  Theology (51) | Related (2) | | In Librum Danielis Prophetae, Roberti Rolloci Scoti, Ministri Iesu Christi in Ecclesia Edinburgensi, Commentarius : Accessit doctrinarum, quae in Commentario explicantur, vtilis Index ( [Genf] : Officina Sanctandreana, 1594) | BSB |  |   |
In librum Danielis prophetae, Roberti Rolloci Scoti, ministri Iesu Christiin ecclesia Edinburgensi, commentarius. Accessit doctrinarum, quae in commentario explicantur, vtilis index ( 1594) | GB |  |   |
In librum Danielis prophetae, Roberti Rolloci Scoti, Ministri Jesu Christi in Ecclesia Edinburgensi, commentarius. Accessit doctrinarum, quae in commentario explicantur, utilis index. ( [Genève] : Officine de Saint-André, 1594) | e-rara |  |   |
In Librvm Danielis Prophetae, Roberti Rolloci Scoti, Ministri Iesu Christi in Ecclesia Edinburgensi, Commentarivs: Accessit doctrinarum, quae in Commentario explicantur, vtilis Index | | [Geneva] : in officina Sanctandreana, 1594 | GB |  |   |
In selectos aliquot Psalmos Davidis, Roberti Rolloci Scoti, Ecclesiae Edimburgensis minnistri,commentarius. Nunc primum in lucem editus ( Genève : François Le Preux, 1599) | e-rara |  |   |
In Selectos Aliquot Psalmos Davidis, Roberti Rolloci Scoti, Ecclesiæ Edimburgensis Ministri, Commentarivs ( Genevæ : Apud Iacobum Stoer, 1610) | IA |  |   |
Lectures vpon the epistle of Paul to the Colossians ( London : Felix Kyngston, 1603) | DTS | |   |
Lectures vpon the Epistle of Paul to the Colossians. Preached by that faithfull seruant of God, Maister Robert Rollok, sometime rector of the Vniuersitie of Edenburgh. ( At London : ImFelix Kyngston, dwelling in Pater-noster row, ouer against the signe of the Checker, 1603) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Lectures Vpon the Epistles of Paul to the Colossians, ed. H. Holland (Felix Kyngston, 1603) | GB |  |   |
Lectures vpon the first and second Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians: preached by that faithfull seruant of God M. Robert Rollock, some-tyme minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge in Edinburgh. ( Edinburgh : Robert Charteris printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie, 1606) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Lectures, vpon the history of the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Iesus Christ. Beginning at the eighteenth chapter of the Gospell, according to S. Iohn, and from the 16. verse of the 19. chapter thereof, containing a perfect harmonie of all the foure Euangelists, for the better vnderstanding of all the circumstances of the Lords death, and Resurrection ( Edinburgh : Andro Hart, 1616) | IA |  |   |
Lectures, vpon the history of the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Iesus Christ. Beginning at the eighteenth chapter of the Gospell, according to S. Iohn, and from the 16. verse of the 19. chapter thereof, containing a perfect harmonie of all the foure Euangelists, for the better vnderstanding of all the circumstances of the Lords death, and Resurrection. Preached by that reuerend and faithfull seruant of God, Mr. Robert Rollocke, sometime minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge of Edinburgh. ( Edinburgh : Andro Hart, 1616) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Roberti Rolloci Scoti in utramq. Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Thessalonicenses commentarius ; nec non ejusdem authoris analysis epistolae Pauli ad Philemonem ( Herbornae Nassaviorum : Ex officina Christophori Corvini, 1601) | IA |  |   |
Select works : Reprinted from the original editions. Edited by William M. Gunn, vol. 1 ( Edinburgh : Wodrow Society, 1844) | IA |  |   |
Select works ... by W.M. Gunn. 2 v ([n.d.]) | GB |  |   |
Select Works of Robert Rollock () | | | IA |  |   |
Vol. 2 ([n.d.]) | IA |  |   |
Select works of Robert Rollock, ed. William M. Gunn (Wodrow Society) | | | GB |  |   |
Vol. 1 (1849) | GB |  |   |