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Academic TitleProf. of Theology, Glasgow (1640-1650) | Prof. of Theology, Edinburgh (1650-†1662)
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Primary Sources (34 titles, 35 vols.) | Secondary Sources (1) | Suggest a New Source | Share:  Theology (35) | Related (1) | | A short explanation of the epistle of Paul to the Hebrews ( London : Thomas Ward and Co., ca. 1839) | GB |  |   |
A short explanation, of the epistle of Paul to the Hebrewes. By David Dickson, preacher of Gods Word, at Irwin. ( Aberdene : ImEdw. Raban, 1635) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
| IA |  |   |
The sum of saving knowledge; or, A brief sum of Christian doctrine [by D. Dickson and J. Durham]. ( 1871) | GB |  |   |
Therapeutica sacra : seu, De curandis casibus conscientiae circa regenerationem per foederum divinorum prudentem applicationem : libri tres ( Edinburgi : Christophorus Higgins, 1656) | IA |  |   |
Therapeutica sacra shewing briefly the method of healing the diseases of the conscience, concerning regeneration ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, Printer to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1664) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Therapeutica sacra: shewing briefly, the method of healing the diseases of the conscience, concerning regeneration | | Edinburgh : J. Watson, 1697 | IA |  |   |
2nd ed. / Edinburgh : J. Watson, 1697 | GB |  |   |
True Christian love : to be sung with any of the common tunes of the psalms ( Glasgow : John Bryce, and sold by him at his shop, 1764) | IA |  |   |
True Christian love : to be sung with any of the common tunes of the Psalms ; to which is added Honey-drops or chrystal streams flowing from Christ, t ( Glasgow : [s.l.], 1751) | IA |  |   |
True Christian love to be sung with any of the common tunes of the Psalms. ( Edinburgh : Andro Anderson, 1655) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
True Christian Love: a Poem (, 1655) | IA |  |   |
True Christian Love. To be sung with any of the common tunes of the Psalms. By David Dickson ( 1754) | GB |  |   |
Truth's victory over error, or, the true principles of the Christian religion, stated and vindicated against the following heresies, viz. Arians ... Vaninians, &c. The whole being a commentary on all the chapters of the Confession of Faith, by way of question and answer: in which, the saving truths of our holy religion are confirmed and established; and the dangerous errors and opinions of its adversaries detected and confuted. ( Glasgow: : John Bryce, and sold at his shop in the Salt-market,, 1764) | IA |  |   |
Truths victory over error, or, An abridgement of the chief controversies in religion which since the apostles days to this time, have been, and are in agitation, between those of the Orthodox faith, and all adversaries whatsoever, a list of whose names are set down after the epistle to the reader : wherein, by going through all the chapters of The confession of faith, one by one, and propounding out of them, by way of question, all the controverted assertions, and answering by yes, or no, there is a clear confirmation of the truth, and an evident confutation of what tenets and opinions, are maintain'd by the adversaries : a treatise, most useful for all persons, who desire to be instructed in the true Protestant religion, who would shun in these last days, and perillous times, the infection of errors and heresies, and all dangerous tenets and opinions, contrary to the word of God. ( Edinburgh : John Reid, 1684) | EEBO-TCP | |   |