The true gospel of Jesus Christ asserted: wherein is shewn what is, and what is not the gospel ... : humbly offered to publick consideration ... and more especially to all those who have obtained the reputation of being the great defenders of Christianity (Tho. Cox, at the Lamb under the Royal-Exchange, 1738)
Two enquiries : one of them concerning property in which is consider'd liberty of conscience and the other concerning sin wherein is consider'd original sin (London : and are to be sold by J. Roberts near Warwick-Lane, 1717)
Two letters: containing I. An enquiry concerning Church discipline: in which is shown what rules and directions Christ and his apostles have given with relation thereto. In a letter to the Reverend Dr. Stebbing. II. An enquiry concerning Covenants: wherein the new, or Christian, covenant is ... (J. Noon, 1736)